Vtuner out again?

Just got off the phone with Salisbury and they have confirmed that those experiencing a Vtuner outage should have service back now.


Yes, working again here.

Back up in Belgium, too.

Yes confirmed OK in UK (Oxf)

Back in Polen know

Trickling back in NW Scotland now

iRad just started working again on the SuperUniti here in Ecuador

So what’s the issue that keeps recurring?

Not my area of expertise I’m afraid (for that you would need @stevesky to post), but would guess it’s something server related.

VTuner is as reliable as Windows on a PC… I wish there were a Mac OS version :grinning:


Hitherto I’ve treated as mildly inconvenient, there are work arounds, but it is getting tiresome.

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What is different, and a bit concerning, about today’s issue is how/why the problems caused the Naim streamers to drop offline and vanish from the app for short periods. Is there an explanation for this?


I’m pleased to hear it wasn’t just me. I was rebooting everything but it still had dropped QB’s etc and I was on the verge of calling in (& possibly paying for) my IT guy to come and sort it out as he only recently installed my network!

I don’t know. There may be, but only Naim would know for sure here.

Given that we (the worldwide Naim community) have suffered two major outages of vtuner ( we think) in just a few months- I believe its not at all unreasonable for Naim to issue a statement explaining what has happened, why it happened and what they plan to do ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Any other software company releasing defective code would be held to account.

My guess ( based on no information) is this was probably a software problem with the server, but its impact may have been compounded by changes within the Naim App which caused the devices to disappear from the App when they were unable to connect to vtuner?

Isn’t it time that Naim started to include in the App software an alert/warning when vtuner goes down. It would save/reduce so many frustrating hours and might earn Naim some Kudos?


In addition, it would be REALLY helpful if Naim were to publish the impact of Vtuner outages on their various streamers that support internet radio.

From my own experience the NSC 222 became very unhappy with the recent outage, also affecting the NPX 300, presumably through the Burndy communication link? Other reports referred to NAC-N 272’s not being too happy either.

I’m sure future firmware releases may improve error handling but in the meantime some information on what to expect, rather than thinking the worst, ie hardware failure, wouldn’t go amiss.



It was certainly a strange coincidence that seemingly a lot of people experienced their streamers dropping off networks as well as V-Tuner not working.
I can only imagine that there was some sort of catastrophic event behind the scenes causing all of this.
Having wasted a couple of hours trying to figure out what was wrong / if there was something wrong with my network and coming very close to calling in an IT specialist, I believe it’s reasonable for me to know what actually went on.
If it was a simple “someone fell asleep and messed up our server” or something, I’d rather know.
The silence is extremely annoying.


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