Wayne Shorter documentary on Prime

I’ve just been watching the first part of this documentary. Highly recommended for those who appreciate his music.
It’s on Amazon Prime - free to subscribers.


Great I’ll be watching that thanks a lot for the heads up Tony.

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Fantastic, thanks for the HU

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Thanks for the note. I watched all three segments over the weekend. It divided roughly between the Miles Years, the Weather Report Years, and the Later Years. It was longer than I wanted but it was rewarding to see. Shorter got Miles out of a rut he was in and helped him to elevate with Shorter’s compositions. Amazing to see the awards Shorter received on his wikipedia page.


We’re in Spain at the moment but will be watching as soon as I get home.

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Interesting to see mention of Walter and Maria Booker’s house parties in the first episode and the background to more obscure tunes such as ‘Feio’.

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Just finished watching episode one and thought it was excellent. I didn’t even know Wayne had a brother who was also a musician though Alan’s music is a bit far out for me.

The thing I love so much about Jazz music is that there is so little I actually know about it and so much for me to know and learn in and that respect for me it’s a lot like Astrology.

Really looking forward to Episode 2 some really memorable quotes in Episode 1 I especially liked Herbie Hancock saying that when he realised Wayne Shorter was a genius he also realised that Wayne thought everyone else was a genius too.

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Glad you’ve enjoyed it, Bob. It is really one of the best documentaries/bio I have ever seen. Great editing and sensitively put together. Deep insight into the man’s private life and outstanding musical career. What a humble guy and so giving.

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I went to Les Rupins restaurant during my recent Paris trip. Purely due to seeing it on this documentary. Well, if Blakey and Shorter sat at those tables in the 60s then…

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With regard to Alan Shorter, this one is worth looking out for.


Issued in the UK as ‘Parabolic’.


This is an excellent article on the documentary by Richard Williams.

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I’m a big fan of Shorter’s Blue Note/Miles period, but for some reason the documentary didn’t grab me. It just made me put on one of his albums.


I guess it’s not to everyone’s taste but at least it made you put some of his music on! :sunglasses:

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