What are you having for Breakfast?

Looks like a mirkin

With a number of fruits excessive consumption can be good at assisting with some types of constipation, shall we say, while any effects will also depend on the individual’s normal diet. Maybe her bumper harvest led to consumption of more than just a few figs, or maybe she is just susceptible…

Can’t beat an Aeropress :sunglasses:


This morning, white pudding (Lidl brand wheat free) fried and free range eggs (collected this morning) with smoked salmon shavings mixed in. Cup of coffee from fresh ground beans and in brewed a press. Reeses peanut butter cup.


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Reminiscing about a breakfast once “served” to me when I was an army officer by a trooper in our unit-a cigarette and a compo boiled sweet (green iirc)
Still makes me smile…

Thai green curry with pan fried locally sourced chicken (reared in small flocks) and basil:

Wishing everyone a lovely day/evening :relaxed:

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I was going to say I don’t have breakfast every day, however that would be incorrect as by definition the first food of the day is breakfast (breaking your fast), even if not till evening! When I do have a meal soon after getting up in the morning at home it would most typically be a bowl of cereal (either granola or plain mini shredded wheat with a few fruit-filled ones added in), buttered toasted hot cross buns, or toast with either marmalade (homemade), honey (our own) or butter.

However today I had bruschetta (quartered small tomatoes, finely chopped raw red onion, fresh basil, and extra virgin olive oil on toast (tomatoes and basil straight from our greenhouse).

To drink first thing when at home I have a pint mug (bone china) of tea (PG tips usually), with a dash of skimmed milk. Often a second one immediately after. Away from home where decent tea and either skimmed or semi milk are available I have the same, otherwise variously a pint or two of water, Indian tea lightly brewed without milk, ditto Earl Grey, or Chinese tea.

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Bacon and eggs:

Wishing everyone a lovely Bank Holiday weekend :relaxed:


Just got an Aeropress. Brilliant at work - my enjoyment of my shift has perked up wonderfully!

A stone bargain for £30.


I realise that this is heading into the realms of coffee wankery but if you get yourself a mini-hand grinder it gets even better. I use a Timecore Chestnut C2 which should be about £70 but I found online for £50. You might think that handgrinding is a pain but I think of it as a few minutes of ‘grindfulness’ :rofl:


Absolutely @crispyduck -
I use an aftermarket metal filter- reusable and imho better than the paper ones supplied.
18g of beans.
Pre-warm cup with hot water.
3 minutes in the aeropress
Hey presto- a lovely cup of coffee


My missus says she likes a hand grinder :joy:

Happy weekend y’all :slightly_smiling_face:




This morning’s breakfast …no figs !


Fruit smoothie and coffee

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First attempt at making Plum Jam and very tasty it was too for breakfast.


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