What are you listening to in 2020 and WHY might anyone be interested?

Possibly the best rave set ever but I’m biased as I was there :crazy_face: and tonight makes 28 years to the day since it happened

Tony did you see it in Leicester Square as if so I was there that night as well?

I had tickets for Evita and the LZ film so took my friends along to the film and gave away the Evita tickets.

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All their albums are wonderful, Why Can’t We Be Friends is certainly worth exploring.

Nicole Atkins


Final one for today, maybe


Now playing…

Bob Dylan - Rough and Rowdy Ways

Streaming on Qobuz (96/24)… taking this new Bob Dylan release out for a spin. Opening track is sounding familiar and enjoying the opening number. Looking forward to the rest of the album…


I was living and saw it in New York at the time, Ewe. Can’t remember the theatre but Evita wasn’t on the radar in those days. Glad you managed to see them. You’ve been around for so many years - and no disrespect implied- and seen so many concerts that I’d have expected you to have have seen them at the Beeb in the late 60’s. :sunglasses:

Evita was the hottest ticket in London at the time all the shows were sold out for months. I had seen them before during the '71 tour, a group of us drove about 200 miles to get to the gig in the days where I bought my own tickets and thought they were brilliant but absolutely hated the film and still do. Mind you that might have been because I was under the influence of something I shouldn’t have been taking that night. :crazy_face:

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Some trax from this up and coming Benson album due out Nov.



Incredible String Band. Changing horses. Hanging on to that hippie dream as I slip in to the oblivion of Saturday. Good night.


Think this is going to get a lot of air play at my house. Mrs Pete’s out so first chance to turn the volume up and have good listen to Dylans new album and it sounds wonderful. It’s got a great pace it just moves gently with lyrics that are interesting. Definitely he’s best effort for years.

Rough and Rowdy Ways.


Jeff Lynnes ELO From Out of Nowhere


Agitation Free, 2nd, CD rip

Some nice 70’s experimental krautrock.


One I came to quite a bit later on but I actually quite like it.

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Airbag, All Rights Removed, CD rip

Okay so experimental krautrock was too much for SWMBO first thing in the morning so some Norwegian Prog with PF undertones instead. One of their albums I don’t often play: Greatest Show… is usually my first port of call.


Thanks Pete. I’ll certainly be buying more of their music. I was surprised to read that Eric Burdon was originally part of the band in 1970.

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Yes but they sacked him apparently.