What are you listening to in 2022 and why might anyone be interested

Yes, I know what you mean, but I love that it’s the measure of their supreme brilliance that one of the greatest albums ever made doesn’t feature two of their great contemporaneous songs.

Ditto, Sgt Pepper sans Strawberry Fields/Penny Lane.

Pet Sounds without Good Vibrations.


These are actual “Band Names”?
What is the world coming too…:man_facepalming:t2:

On recently acquired used vinyl from Discogs; such an outstanding album.


Kula Shaker - 1st Congregational Church of Eternal Love And Free Hugs


Brian Eno | Another Green World | 1975
A bit of a classic and one of my favourite solo albums by Mr. Eno.


Had already the volumes 1&2 and now also downloaded number 3, entertaining driving unplugged….


Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts?? :roll_eyes:


Another used record store acquisition made while awaiting the repair/refresh on my receiver phono stage:


The Beatles - Revolver Super Deluxe (Qobuz HR)

As my AAA mono box is currently out of action, due to being used as a book end propping up a load of LP’s that would otherwise come crashing down, decided to stream this new bells n whistles with knobs on version and see/hear what all the fuss is about



Now playing…

Anja Lechner - Lontano

Anja Lechner (Violoncello) and François Couturier (Piano).

Streaming on Qobuz (96/24)… kicking off this Thursday morning with a spin of this fabulous album from Anja and Francois. The music is beautiful and sounding sweet! …a wonderful way to ease into the day…


Sorry to hear that mate, we’ve recently suffered a traumatic loss to the evil C, I empathise and send good vibes

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Black Ivory Soul

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I have decided to give it a miss after a unanimous thumbs down from this learned forum. The same with Return to Ommadawn, where one reviewer said, … ‘The whole thing feels like drinking several pints of spring water,’ which made me laugh, even though not quite sure what that means?

I hope Mike keeps the lid on Hergest Ridge - A Runin’ up that Hill Again, or any other such nonsense :rofl:


Calexico | The Black Light | 1998
I do enjoy a bit of Calexico and their vibe but didn’t fancy wading through the near two hour 20th Anniversary version of this fine album.


More pre-owned vinyl, although what they did to the band’s best song (It’s a Long Way There) with this single edit is absolutely criminal, removing some of the best guitar work ever done in a “pop” song.



Psychedelic garage rock by the two brothers from Nashville … kind of reminds me of some of the quite avant-garde bands I used to see at Camden Underworld many moons ago.



Good decision @Anonymoot, I didn’t go as far as sampling Return to Ommadawn I’d had enough and didn’t want to spoil either my afternoon or the fond memories of the original.

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Now playing…

Anja Lechner and François Couturier - Moderato Cantabile (Comités / Gurdjieff / Mompou)

Anja Lechner (Violoncello) and François Couturier (Piano).

Streaming on Qobuz (88.2/24)… continuing on this morning with Anja and Francois since the first album was simply beautiful and needed to continue on… and they are sounding sublime!

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Just to illustrate that strange band names are nothing new. DRN were a rock band in the early 80s.