What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?


I wouldnt have thought the magnet would be strong enough to cause that otherwise it would be a commonly known issue. More likely some other cause. Pain in the arse all the same

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There is a little more heft to the music, and it’s clearer. Not night and day stuff, more like minimal gains, but very worthwhile gains. I would rather put it on the record than not.

Milled from a single billet of aluminium.

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Fair enough but surely your always going to hear a difference after your dealer has fine tuned the set up. How can you be sure your hearing an improvement solely from the gadget.
And of course its bound to sound worse when you remove it if the dealer has set the turntable suspension etc to compensate for the additional weight & mass of the gadget. Possibly misleading one into believing the gadget is making an improvement?
Linn dont recomend using clamps, if they did they probably would already have introduced The Klamp.
I havent heard one, but for the above reasons I have my scepticism.
Just my musing.

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A design flaw imo. I’ll see how long my uniti core lasts without a puck. Hopefully it will see me out.

If so, as I said I’m sure it would be a common issue and to the best of my knowledge I dont think it is. I’m sure you just had bad luck.

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Expect so but I do have some recollection of glu & diy repairs on here some months ago. Might have been a different problem though. Anyway, remove with care :+1:

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I listened to it on one of his demo decks, of which he has many ready to run in the shop. Also heard it on mine after the deck was fettled. The device sold itself to me, my dealer didn’t need to say anything. I seem to remember my dealer said he wasn’t compensating for the extra weight as it wasn’t necessary.
The bottom line is this: I always listen to a potential upgrade before buying, and I only buy if I can actually hear a difference that I like. I like what this thing does, and am happy to have spent the money. I’m not trying to convince you or anyone else to rush out and buy one. But if you really want to know what it’s all about, have a listen to one for yourself.


Cyndi Lauper - Memphis Blues - 2010 CD rip to FLAC.
Debut at No.1 in the US Billboard Blues chart staying there for 13 weeks.


Exactly! Which was my point.
If it sounds good to you thats all that matters, I’m just opining and illustrating that things arent always as they seem with third party “upgrades”, other factors are sometimes at play.

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Echoing what @Tony said, it’s good to see you back playing all that good stuff.

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Still keeping to the theme of 3’s

The Police - Reggatta de Blanc


Thank you for your kind comments.

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The Knife | Silent Shout | 2006
This was when ‘Fever Ray’ was still making music with her brother in their band The Knife. All electronica of course and more like the Fever Ray we know.


One more shot of jazz piano before Mrs R returns from her gym class.


A Sherwood On-U-Sound cracker. Track 1 is ‘Something Special’ which pretty much sums up the whole album imo. Qobuz.


Thats a great album! :+1:


Tony seeing your post of Genesis - Trespass and our chats about labels and especially first pressings which you have far far more than me

Here is my first pressing of Trespass…53 years old …Red Charisma label

Wishing you a good evening


Oh, don’t…


That’s a nice one, TC!:sunglasses:

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