What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

Sensational Alex Harvey Band. British tour 1976
Sadly never saw them live


Steady on.

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Sometimes a four but on this album a definite 3….

Jess Lidyard - Drums
Paul Gardner - Bass
Gary Numan - All the rest

Tubeway Army - Tubeway Army


Splendid sounding 2014 reissue


Sorry but trio sounds very outdated


Tongue is firmly in cheek


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I’ll look that up. Love anything by Adie :+1:

Forgive me @Graeme been considering and further reasoning our discussion re the clamp widget.
I’m guessing its not a clamp in the true sense, it doesn’t screw down and clamp the record to platter, its more akin to a paperweight for want of a better description, correct me if I’m wrong.

You said it Creates a better interface between record and mat
You say the gadget weighs 118 grams or about 4oz in old money. Now that is sufficient weight to have an effect on the suspension as already discussed.
However that cant be sufficient weight to create a better interface between record and mat. Firstly any weight on the platter will be absorbed by the downward spring of the suspension. For any weight to create a better interface .ie flatten the record (for want of a better description) so it has greater contact/interface with the platter would require a very heavy weight that would only start to exert any pressure on the record once the suspension had bottomed out with the platter resting on the top plate.
No record is 100% flat, take a record that is every so slightly dished, place it on the platter with the raised dish centre label of the record facing up and gently press down, what will happen is as I described above. Try it.

I’m not doubting youre hearing but what you hear cant possibly be for the reasons claimed if you think it through logically and in engineering terms.

Anyway theres probably another thread for this so back to the music.


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Having given the new Robin Trower album with Sari Schorr on vocals, i gave it another spin this evening.
I like her vocals. Looked her up, she was doing the circuit of clubs etc. She was spotted by Mike Vernon a retired producer……Blue Horizon records (Albatross for Fleetwood Mac), Eric Clapton, Bowie and many more. Her first album, sounding really good. A certain Walter Trout on lead guitar as well.


On CD.


The Beatles - Meet The Beatles - CD


Listening and watching… They really did nail it that night in 2007. I think it was the right way to go. One big concert. Record it, do it right, and done! No tail off into mediocrity…


Makes you wish Sherwood had worked with other jazz artists (he may have done and I missed out). I stumbled on the CD a couple of years after release. I need to try harder :smiley:


Attic Monkeys, AM. :smiling_face:


IIRC it was @Toon who was first to try the Tangerine Evenstar on this forum. I’m sure you can find the initial post on the last component purchased thread.

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Beethoven Symphonies 1 & 2 - Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique / Gardiner


John Lennon - Walls And Bridges - CD Signature Box


You are correct - I was one of the early customers of the Evenstar and love it. There are plenty of reviews online for it but it doesn’t improve every record - so needs experimenting with. Overall I’ve found it a worthwhile investment. BTW…… it’s not a clamp.

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R.E.M. - Reveal

A superb album that I’ve not heard in years, sounding way better than I remember.


Carl and Dennis carry this late flowering wonder of an album. Despite the incongruous 10 minute plus disco version of Wild Honey’s Here Comes The Night somewhat destroying the feel and flow of the album. Still, there’s much great material here from the late 70s era of the band.

Plus, Brian’s decades long obsession, Shortenin’ Bread closes out the whole album. Brilliant.

LA (Light Album)/The Beach Boys.


I’m not sure how to copy & paste a whole topic or link to same, Dread, but search “Tangerine Evenstar ups the game of the LP12” - should give you something to chew on…and if not closed, you can always post there.

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