What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

Just reading up on the Osho story (the cover photo) following the link…without hearing the album, I’ll withold judgement on whatever Osho’s “influence” is.

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PM on BBC R4 where I have heard that the value of the home entertainment market (presumably in the UK) is up 39% in 2022 when compared with 2019.

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Sorry hadn’t realised it was pricey. It’s crazy how the prices for some have gone. Fancied a copy of the 2019 rsd Acoustic Steve McQueen then looked at the price! I’ll stick to the download it still sounds good. Snooze & you loose I suppose! :rofl:

I am still considering it. It certainly won’t be the most I’ve paid for a record, not by a long way :rofl:

Just checked on Discogs @QuickSticks , it’s not pricey ( 2 versions available) anything from £20 - £32

How so?

Hi @apye - is that the 10th anniversary vinyl reissue? If so, is it a decent pressing?

The Hold Steady - Teeth Dreams. Excellent rock album.


I know nothing of “Osho”, perhaps I should is it dodgy?

Follow the ‘story’ link in that interview, Dread, then check some sites from there…

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I can only find 7 copies of the acoustic version starting at £108 plus shipping to over £230.
The standard studio version I already own an original of, bought the day of release.

Yeah, I’ve done some searching, seems he was somewhat controversial, anti establishment and counter culture, maybe a bit bonkers, some accusations of sexual abuse from followers at his commune in Oregon (possibly vexatious? As he believed in “sexual liberation”) but nothing directly implicating himself as far as I see, he apparently initiated investigations into a few running the commune. So, I really dont know if this means Robert is an artist who should be aporoached with caution, apparently the OSHO influence comes from one of his books the influence of which was part of the catylist for Robert to change his way of life.

I’m guessing your more knowledgable about this Osho guy, whats your view?

Why? Because my 10 year old son wanted to listen to it :grinning:



Just mild insecurity, I’ll live though :smiley:

Also listened oblivious to the cover, or it’s significance to the artist, or the release. And still oblivious to the details/causes of incarceration. I do give out an audible sigh, and for better or worse would not patronise an artist if they were directly against my own moral compass. There was an interesting thread about this sort of issue sometime last year IIRC.

Interesting reading your take, interested also in @steviebee 's interpretation

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I followed the link because I wondered who the cover photo was of ( not knowing him, I thought Robert was maybe an American and what the story was behind the police shot). And that Robert stated him as an influence, and that he’s a spiritual guy etc. So, even more curious as to the reasons for the mug shot (drugs, financials?) It was allegations of sexual & child abuse that brought me up short. Otherwise, I know nothing about this Osho guy or his commune, activities or books. Or why he’s an influence on a Midlands rapper, given the allegations (proven or not - I don’t know yet)…

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Malagasy-Gilson - 1972

French clarinetist Jean-François Quiévreux aka Jef Gilson with the Madagascan ensemble. No expert, but another tip-off from a Four Tet comp. Man, that lad must have a record collection!


Dark Black is a wonderful track (and album) I’ve got the follow up album Split Milk which isn’t as good. Unfortunately she seemed to disappeared.

Santana - Zebop!


Pete – Dark Black was heavily promoted over here (some banners compared her voice to Karen Carpenter) and I wonder if sales were disappointing, such that the recordco. called time? There is ‘recent’ 3rd album, only available via streaming AIU?

A shame – I have Split Milk too.

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