What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

Toast rack arrived from The River a few minutes ago, will be trying it out this evening.

Once again, @TOBYJUG brilliant! :clap:


I have another two chops to roast in a couple of days.
I just season the sides with fresh oregano, salt and pepper.
I don’t salt the rind as I much prefer to taste the sweetness of the crackling - although the chops need to come from a healthy happy fat sow.
I’ll post an after pic :yum:

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Hope you got one that can be bent wider easily.
I like my chops somewhat thicker than what you would see in a supermarket and pre cut from a butchers.

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No worries, if it seems a bit resistant to the required amount of bending … I’ll just fetch a bigger adjustable spanner!

Firm believer in the brute force and ignorance approach. :joy:


I like them with the bone in … which is getting harder to find.

Even better if you can get one with a kidney attached!


Mrs Pete’s Paella.


@TOBYJUG, Used the rack last night … huge success … now considered to be an essential part of kitchen equipment. :+1: :+1:


Seems to be the same for chicken breasts on the bone or even with skin on.

Waitrose used to do some nice chicken breasts on the bone, then got rid of them - I queried with their customer service and they said they would not be coming back. A few months later they did but twice as expensive under their ‘1’ brand.

Very few good local butchers in my area these days.

Guess I need to learn how to properly cut up a whole chicken.

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Think I’ve got a Weber rib rack somewhere that might work.


Only chicken :chicken: Or :rabbit: Or both?

Chicken and chorizo, no seafood in this one. Very nice.

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Chicken & chorizo … a winning combination in any dish … forms the basis of my non-standard Jambalaya :yum:


Yes, the favourite of my wife…have to ask the butcher to leave them in👍

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Got some ribs slow barbecuing.


I do fancy one of those ‘egg’ type contraptions …


Keep your eyes peeled on both Lidl and Aldi, 'cos even though they sold out in no time, last year, they might well make a reappearance, and were cheap as chips compared to the branded ones.


Mine’s a Monolith. German made and not quite as pricey as Big Green Egg. Worth every penny though.

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We used ours to tonight, just the two of us…if i remember correctly…£79.95, last year

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Yep, that’s it … mental, wasn’t it? :joy: