What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

I changed the Menu. Courgettes/ Carottes instead. And have not fried the patatoes this time because it’s lighter that way .
Do you want to write to our Director, Sir ?

Yes that looks very tasty. But somewhat different to how you shown us all how you wanted it to look.

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I ended with that

The best ice cream brand I can buy in a supermarket


Yes, because I changed my mind…Generally I put the potatoes in the hoven for one hour and add some salad with tomatoes.
And I have to confess, I don’t like to take my food in picture…
It’s a bit Facebook / Twitter fashion…

I love ice cream. :grin:


Hay guys it might only be the photo but one looks a lot more appetising than the other. :thinking:


The first one of course…Next time you will have fried potatoes and salad, promise!

That’s a lonely carrot!

Same on my wife plate. :laughing:

Aberdeen Angus.


Is that just for one person?


For one person: the plate is fairly small and the steak has been finely sliced.

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It’s sort of shepherd’s cottage pie but with bolognese sauce form the other day instead of plain mince and the topping is cauliflower mashed with Creme fraiche and cheese instead of potato (low carb for benefit of my younger daughter who is type 1 diabetic)


Here is what I want to do at dinner.
Let’s see if my plate will looks more tasty as that one. Response in a few hours.

Côtes de porc panées, riz, légumes.

I already guess what @TOBYJUG will answer me: where is the rose? :laughing:



Oh dear.

Had a lovely steak dinner. Amazing value to from our recently opened Brazilian butcher. 13.50 for 4 big juicy and very tasty steaks.

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You prepared yourself?

Not much to prepare with steak and chips but yes I trimmed it , seasoned it, cooked it and the other side’s, some juicy tomatoes and large chestnut mushrooms and of course the chips. I leave the butchery to the professionals.

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