What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

More fish and chips.
This time with mackerel fillets baked in a curried yogurt. Hasselback roasted curry spiced Maris pipers with peas.


Hasselback potatoes ā€¦ my very favourite way with spuds. :yum:


The sausage is inside the spaghettis: sausage with dried tomatoes, butter and garlic.
Flank steak with garlic. ( when you break the spaghettis on the plate, the sausage appears).


Could be a shock for female diners :wink:

(Sorry schoolboy humour!)


That looks very nice.

Living in my hermit cave i had not heard of themā€¦must get out morešŸ˜‰

Sometimes english-french can be risky in discussions :rofl:

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BBQ Beef rib eye steak.
The bbq turned into a nightmare. It didnā€™t light properly but still managed to get some fumes on the steak before it prematurely died for the taste then finished off on the grill.


Lamb vindaloo with sweet potatoes and mushrooms. Garnished with coriander, cream, chillies and black pepper.


wow! I canā€˜t cook an eggā€¦you folks have outstanding skills in photografics and cooking, Iā€˜m really impressed!!


Vindaloo is a delicacy in Goaā€¦ :grinning:

Will you be having some bread with it ?

No bread: supper is the smallest meal of the day in my household and we tend to consume more carbs for breakfast/lunch.

Had it a couple of days ago along chicken Makhani but that was a takeout from a restaurant. The only thing left for me to do was prepare a fresh salad.



But that deserves 1 roti by the sideā€¦ :grinning:

Send some over hereā€¦itā€™s close to midnight and my tummy is growling :slightly_smiling_face:

Was going to mention a few posts ago that there is probably luck with the photos and lighting (unless youā€™re a pro), but that presentation/layout and maybe choice of serving dish/plate can also make a lot of difference.

Cooked a lovely ribeye on the tiny Lidl Kamado on Saturday, but just briskly cut it up and chucked stuff on plates - very nice to eat but visually not that great perhaps as done in a rush.

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That looks fantastic Minh.

The presumed lamb chunks look rather ā€˜perfectā€™, fresh or frozen?

Either way my mouth is watering.

The next time I have curry for lunch Iā€™ll include the roti/naan.

Iā€™ll send you a vindaloo by FedEx: I hope itā€™s still warm by the time it reaches you.

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Cā€™mon, I thought weā€™d got this sorted! :laughing:

Hey, this is post cooking! :rofl: :rofl:

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Thank you for your kind words. It was fresh Welsh lamb cooked very gently to retain its juiciness. An impeccably sharp knife makes all the difference when preparing food. I use a series of whetstones starting at 300 and progressing through 1000, 3000 and then 8000 grit. A leather strop is finally used to leave a leathally sharp edge. The quality of the iron/steel is the most important factor in a good quality knife.