What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

My own discoveries of wild mushrooms have always been guided by an excellent book by Roger Phillips:

I’ve always found that the descriptions in this book, plus a little common sense, allow you to steer clear of anything poisonous, and it has allowed me to identify and enjoy some interesting finds such as Chicken of the Woods, Giant Puffball and the Hedgehog Mushroom, and to steer clear of such nasties as the Destroying Angel and Death Cap, all of which I have found locally.


If you want to sleep, better not eat



Gosh, you’re very lucky to have Hedgehog Mushroom round your way. I’ve never come across one, although we do have the occasional Cauliflower Mushroom. Plenty of Chicken of the Woods though, as well as lots of Hen of the Woods. I will look out for the Roger Phillips book.

Rooster, is it still enforced by law in France that you can go to any pharmacy with a basket of mushrooms and let them sort them out?

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If I understood, you can still go to a pharmacy and ask if the mushrooms can be eaten.


Indeed you can. Legend has it that unscrupulous pharmacists frequently “confiscated” so called ‘poisonous’ varieties, only to eat them for dinner that evening :rofl::joy::rofl:


Childhood memories this evening with cauliflower cheese. The sauce jazzed up with some mustard.

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Nothing tonight. Stuck in the snowy airport of Boston, will arrive home way past dinner time.

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I feel for you. I have many not so happy memories of trying to kill the hours while stuck waiting at Logan airport.


Following a visit to a local Lebanese restaurant a few weeks ago, I’ve been working at finessing my version of their Lamb casserole.

The obvious first step is “low and slow”, but the real key is finally arriving at the best blend of herbs & spices to create that authentic Middle Eastern taste.

Tonight was my fourth attempt, and I’ve finally cracked it! :yum::yum:


Thanks, Richard. At least there is no snow awaiting us at our Milwaukee destination. We were lucky to find an excellent place to eat a Mediterranean lunch here at the airport so we are basically done for the day,

Do share the secret … please

Well, … the obvious contenders, cumin, coriander seeds, nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon, together with rosemary and garlic … and a healthy pinch of Za’Atar seasoning.

The balance of these is down to personal tastes, but each previous attempt was getting closer, and tonight’s version hit the spot.

Onions and sweet red peppers, and you’re there. :+1:

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Not exactly preparing, but preparing to eat: Impossible Burger (with free cocktail on Tuesdays!) at the excellent Milk Money Bar & Kitchen in Fort Lauderdale.


Roast up some Butternut squash, peppers, red onion, tomatoes and mushrooms with pan fried salmon.

Should be plenty of leftover roasted veg to put in the fridge for an Aussie sandwich.


Mousakka this evening … not enough aubergine but tasty nevertheless with a bottle Beaumes de Venise red 2013.


Butternut squash risotto tonight. I was just a bit late getting the butternut squash in the oven so taking a short break (and a little glass of wine) while it catches up with the risotto…

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A favourite. Guinea Fowl.

With plenty of smocked bacon

With lots of Brussels sprouts and broccoli.


I am burning ! Stop please !


‘Last night’s curry’. This should be the official name of a curry as it tastes even better than ‘The night before’s curry’.