What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

Spag Bol according to my mother’s recipe with a few tweaks I was taught in a Trattoria in Twickenham many years ago, and slightly adjusted to suit my wife’s and my tastes. All home made, not a jar of sauce in sight. Fresh pasta from supermarket.

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Do you add loads of butter? I believe it’s Jay Rayner’s top tip.

No, I use lashings of good olive oil, it was my mother’s top tip!

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I can live with that …

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Hmmm, all mushrooms are edible…some only once :thinking:


Last night of cooking for one, a bacon, cheese and egg sanga (that’s Aussie for sandwich). Of course it should accompanied by a beer. :grin:


Go easy on those greens…


Dam, I knew I forgot something :scream:


You call that an Aussie sandwich ?
I thought they were meant to be a least four fillings high.

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Your confusing us with our American friends


This is an Aussie sandwich. Yes ? :heart_eyes_cat:


It might be but I couldn’t get my mouth around it. Aussie sandwich’s aren’t generally that big, ours are mostly based on 2 slices of bread. American sandwiches are stacked high with 3 to 4 slices of bread.

Winky, a simple rule that serves well here in the UK is that anything with gills, kills. The mushrooms that are deadly or will do you serious permanent harm have gills.

So that means anything with tubes, ridges etc… is OK - by that I mean that if you accidentally get the ID wrong for one of these then the worst that can happen is that you get an upset tummy or get a bit sick, but you’ll likely recover without permanent damage.

What I don’t know though is how well the advice travels . I do know that North America has a number of poisonous Boletes that we don’t have here, although I don’t think they do permanent damage or death like some of the more poisonous Amanitas or Cortinarius’.

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Looks like a normal sandwich, with lots of good veggies, cut in half.

If I had childs, I would never cook them something like that :scream::confounded:


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Aussie hamburger :grin:

Bertinet Bakery in Bath? A bit of a trip to get them specially, but if you happen to be there, especially first thing when they are delivered.

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I had forgotten about that option. I like his bread but could not get on with his books, but must try again.

Agreed, I have found his demonstrations easier to work from than the books (having said that, I have one that includes a DVD that I haven’t got round to watching)

The dvd is good, but it took me several years to get around to watching it.