What book are you reading right now?

Perhaps one of the underrated threads on the old forum. Having just started reading this:

a new thread here felt appropriate.

The title roughly translates into “Nobody is talking about us, apart from ourselves“. I have read a few books from this author and generally like his unpretentious style.


Brilliant account of the life and times of the legendary Led Zep manager. It’s a tragic but illuminating tale of how power corrupts and ultimately destroys those who wield it.


Just finished re-reading a LeCarre and fancied this for some time:


Desktop books at all times: Terry Pratchett - “Discworld”!

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Several on the go … going through books my late father left me:
Ed Smith: what sport tells about life
Derek Cooper: snail eggs & samphire
Tom Clancy: the bear and the dragon
Scott Mariani: doomsday prophecy

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Hilary Clinton - What Happened. A truly fascinating account of ‘the election’ and how events unfolded. I’m only about half way through but so far its certainly an insight into her campaign and what she was up against. Recommended.


@YetiZone I found it fascinating as well. What really leapt off the page for me was her coldness, her sense of entitlement and her disconnect from ordinary voters (all those tales of her hobnobbing in the Hamptons with dot-com billionaires was especially wearing).

It was these three things, along with overweening hubris, much more than the sexism which she cites and which undoubtedly exists, that led to her failure and the end of her political career.

She lost not because she was a woman, but because she was the wrong woman at the wrong time.

After reading the book, I felt that she hadn’t really understood anything, that she had learned no lessons (a bit like those who seem unable, or unwilling, to understand why so many people in the UK voted for Brexit).

She seemed to blame everyone except herself for her defeat by Trump. Her finger-pointing at Bernie Saunders for splitting the Dem-leaning vote was especially obnoxious.

Her ego is as enormous as The Donald’s and her lack of self-wareness is deeply depressing. HRC might be a very unattractive person but she’s written a very good - and rather valuable - book.


I got this at Christmas. Just about to give it a read - shouldn’t take long as it’s fairly short…



This book lavishes in great detail. The Romanov’s legacy was a footprint upon which all future rulers (Bolsheviks, Soviet Union and Putin) rely on and measure themselves upon. Similar as the Prussians gave the footprint for the Nazis and Hitler. The book gave me insight that although things can be black and white, at the same time situations can be far more complicated or even different to what it seems at first blush.


Recently finished this:

I wasn’t sure about it at first as although it was interesting it seemed a bit ‘ooh look at me’. But part two of the book (or Side Two as she calls it) which deals with her later post-Slits life and troubles I found very moving.


Read this as a teenager and really liked it and his style, then lent it to someone and never got it back!

Right now I’m on this…

So far, very good. Mostly coming from a very human angle by authors who have visited and talked to all the family and friends and spent time on the ground there. It gives some political history, analysis and comment but the emphasis is very much on the human element.



Interesting. As mentioned, I’m only half way through so not formed an overview of the whole book as yet, but agree with the points made about her privileged background limiting any ability to connect with the average Joe. The tone does come across as holier than thou, but then again she is a politician after all. But for all her flaws, it would have been ground breaking to have her win the election, as opposed to The Donald being in power. Currently at the point where she’s outlining her dealings with the NRA (OMG).

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Great book. New one is even better. In the meantime I’ve just finished image

Blurb claims include that it should replace bibles in hotel rooms but also that it’s the greatest non-fiction book one author has ever read.

To my great surprise and enjoyment I must concur with both views. It’s a magnificent book.

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Just started on this. Not in the same class as Sapolsky. Much closer to popular science but I’m enjoying it.

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The wisdom of the Israeli officer who chose no to react when the Tamimi girl slapped him (while a friend was capturing it on her phone) was wasted when the event went viral on the net causing the Israeli authorities to bring charges against her and sentencing her to eight months in Jail. I did not read the book.

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I happened to be in New York when the election took place. An armed cop, fingering his holster, ushered me out of a voting station which I had wandered into “just for a look” - no chance!

The shock in NY the next day was palpable, though the doormen and taxi-drivers (etc) that I spoke to didn’t seem very bothered at all. In the following days, around 11am, the latte-drinkers, armed with their placards picked up their lattes from Starbucks and headed off to that day’s demonstration location. Discussions with some of them were interesting - there appeared to be no conception/understanding that she might lose or why she had lost. Concrete barricades were installed outside the winner’s hotel residence and Central Park featured student demonstrations against the winner all the following week. I’ve read articles suggesting she might try again - all I can say is that the Democrats must be desperate …

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I took the kids to houses of parliament the other week for a tour. It was very interesting and I realised how little I know on how it actually all works so now I am reading “How parliament works 8th edition” and finding it utterly fascinating courtesy of the gift shop …

A book about Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni (1907 – 8 April 1948) a Palestinian Arab nationalist and fighter who in late 1933 founded the secret militant group known as the Organization for Holy Struggle ( Munathamat al-Jihad al-Muqaddas ) which he and Hasan Salama commanded as the Army of the Holy War during the 1936–39 Arab revolt against the British and during the 1948 war.