What book are you reading right now?

Latest £10. Haul from WOB.

Two updated Philip Marlowes. A Finnish noir. No.3 in the Billingham Thorne series.
And a Philip Kerr from the library that I had not read.
Hopefully I can make them last till mid /end November.


This is my first Korean novel (in translation, of course). Just discovered that there is a film adaptation and guess I might try to see it after I finish the novel. Just read the first chapter and seems promising.


A slight change of direction…

I can now appreciate the writing better.



Picked a copy of this one up today for £1. Ex library book so well bound. Graham Collier gives an insiders view, which is nice.


‘George Harrison - The Reluctant Beatle’ - Philip Norman

Picked this one up this morning.


‘Stig O’Hara: The Petulant Rutle’ - Philippe Normal



I share a birth date in January with MLK (not a birth year though) and bought this book on my last trip to the US. It’s an autobiography in the sense that the words and writing are his but it has of necessity been edited into a book by someone else.

I find it to be a gripping book and a moving insight into a very courageous man.


Was it really 65 years ago. Sunday nights would always find me at the Marquee in Oxford Street.

Dudley Moore,Piano, He used to play the first session with a trio.
Spike Heatley,Bass,
Ronnie Stephenson, Drums.
A very young Peter King and Danny Moss.

Let me know if it gets a mention in the book.


No mention of the Marquee that I can see but several mentions of Dudley, in fact he is quoted by interview in several places in the book.

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A young Kenny Wheeler there in the trumpets ! The other tenor player must be Art Ellefson.

And Dickie Hawdon in spectacles next to the sitting/squatting trumpeter.

Acquits himself very well on this Tubs record. On Qobuz.

Sorry. Back to books.

Rereading Lolita.


@mikehughescq mentioned this on another thread I’m half way through. It’s its read of friendship and the music industry in the 70/80s.


Just been given this and starting today. Not a new book so possibly not up to date with recent archive released info, but it does look interesting.


That would be the book to accompany the 1977 BBC series - among other things it gave early exposure to the Bletchley Park work. I’ve still got my BBC Books copy from back in the day.


A pause from Noir novels and jazz history.

Had a half hour in the local library and came up with these three.

Walk,wind has died down,pot of Assam and off we go. Should get an hour in before old man Snooze takes control.



Picked up a copy of this one for a couple of pounds yesterday. In great nick too.

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Any good?
The subject of many of these biographies can be fascinating and great to read about, but sadly they are not always the best written works.
I hope this one is a good one for you, let us know how you get on with it please.

Just skimmed it so far but it looks quite interesting. Alexis had a pretty varied and eventful life, as well as the music there was all those TV voiceovers. What caught my interest in this book was coverage of projects such as CCS and the guys from Back Door.

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I absolutely loved Douglas Stuart’s first book, Shuggie Baain, so now reading his follow up, Young Munro. Shaping up to be just as good

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