What book are you reading right now?

I realise your shout out for Philip Kerr was 5 years ago but just finished reading all 14 novels. I know many others also recommended the novels but you seemed to be the first! Anyway thank you to all who mentioned his novels I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all 14.

As it happens Metropolis is my least favourite I would say but nonetheless still enjoyable. Pity there won’t be any more to come.

Do you know if any of his other (non Gunther) books are any good?





Looks very interesting !

Her other book ‘Travellers in the Third Reich’ is also an amazing piece of research.

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I read “Prayer,” and I was not impressed. It was quite a while ago, but as I recall, I felt it was a political statement more than a novel. To be honest, I’m not sure I finished it.

I’ve read most of the Gunther books, and I liked all but one.


Just started the Gavin Lyall Major Maxim series. (Free on Kindle at the moment).
Enjoyable with enough detail to make them interesting.

A Secret Servant just loaded.

I read last week or so Seeker (see above) it seems he held a similar position for The Lord Protector Cromwell.

Just need to get this library book out of the way.


Got a signed copy of this from Michael Wood at Chalke today, to replace my old, beat up 30 year old copy of the original version. This one has been extensively updated.

Michael in fine form today talking about his search in the footsteps of a 7th Century Chinese poet.


Big improvement on her last (for me) OTT gothic novel. Back to Essex Serpent territory - geography, science, faith and hidden histories. Bit of a slow burn start but persist and be rewarded.

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His books are fascinating and enjoyable.

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Yes indeed - I’ve got most of them in paperback and without exception they are well written and informative. Also have the DVD of ‘In Search of the Dark Ages’ TV programmes from the 80s - still very relevant, although some of the fashions on show (and Mr Wood’s slight mullett and flares) have aged a bit these days - although he still has a full head of hair today !

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My Dad was involved with underwater cable laying post D Day.


Does this count ?

My usual accompaniment to bbc radio 3 Night Tracks on the Naim.


Another nice one for the ‘pending’ pile, signed for me by Dan at Chalke. Everything from Bede to Viz.



I’ve just finished this series of books by Tim Sullivan and found them all very enjoyable. I was getting a bit bored of the super-violent police dramas where the main protagonist appears to be super-human. The George Cross character was just the tonic.


I am starting that series soon :smiley:
You might like “The Thursday Murder Club” series by Richard Osman which I just finished.
and certainly does’nt have superhuman protagonists

I mostly “read” audibooks these days, I enjoy a well narrated story - and can do other things while listening


Another tome on the ‘pending’ pile from Chalke. Lord Sumption assured me that I can jump in at Vol 5 without too much bother, having not yet read Vols 2-4 and having read my copy of Vol 1 nearly 30 years ago ! Reading all 5 vols is another retirement project.


Having watched the recently released movies several times I’ve started to work my way through the series of books. A masterpiece of world building and story telling. Currently on Children of Dune…


This came in the post today courtesy of a dear friend. Each album listed features details on label, personnel etc plus a one page write up of interesting background information


I can’t believe it’s 40 years since the publication of The Wasp Factory by the much missed Iain Banks