What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

Big Fat Gypsy Gangster. 2011.

More bad than it has any right to be and equally more brilliant than it has any sense to be.

Looks fun. Our critical fraternity were a bit sneery so I have spent £2.50 for the dvd as it doesn’t seem to be streamed.

Keep the ‘trash’ recommendations coming.

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The story of the Von Bulow court case.
Did he try to murder his wife or not.
A majestic Jeremy Irons and canny direction by Barbet Schroeder who refuses to answer the question.

Prime for free with a decent print.


Looked forward to this but overall I was disappointed.
The fight scenes are lame, the acting wooden even from Forest Whittaker and Sullivan Jones as Ali is rubbish. I kept thinking the acting reminded me of a second rate school play.
The second half of the film gets a bit better but not much, its plodding and unengaging.
Shame as I dont think Foremans story as ever been told well on film, especially from his perespective of Ali v Foreman both in and out of the ring.
Could have been so much better.

Streamed Guardians OTG 3 the other night. Had already seen it at cinema a few months ago.

Thought it the weakest of the three when I saw it first time, seems much better this time around.


I needed something mindless to watch and found this.

Tony Scott directs the bullets,car chases,helicopter crashes and huge explosions with the usual aplomb.
Redford, looks older than me, initiates Brad into the spy game and off we go. Scott directed the first Top Gun.

Amazon Prime freevo. Good print and 5.1. Three quick adverts.



Not watched this for years. Had a double bill in fact…:grinning:


Spooky timing of your post; only the other day I was reminded to dig out the old box set I have of Woody Allen early films, the classics. I have to say that he lost me in his later films.

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The Monk. Vincent Cassel.

What is it? Gothic,sexy supernatural who did what to who,Hammer house of horrors.?Vincent at times looks as perplexed as the rest of us.

Good medieval fun with a brilliant print in weighty 5.1. Precise subtitles if needed. Amazon freevoo with a strangely placed advert for the Ramsay Street, neighbours saga.


Sidney Lumet’s masterpiece now on freevoo.

Prescient…that’s the word.


Best £3.99 spent in a long while

I’m still nursing injured ribs rendering this painfully fekkin’ hilarious!

Brilliantly cast and played


A great story and film.

Filmed down near me at Littlestone - I thought I recognise that bunker.

Also, I thought the score he put in for his first Open wasn’t bad given he would have been playing off the championship tees.

But I do think Mark Rylance is just a rubbish actor it’s all twitches and weird mannerisms - too much over acting - great for Shakespeare I am sure. How he got an Oscar is beyond me.

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Mention of Phillip Marlowe recently on the thread reminded me of this Steve Martin private eye spoof. Filmed to resemble 1940’s Noir style with appearances from the likes of Bogart and Cagney


Yes, we thought we rcognised the course from our regular trips to the area. The Water Tower house in the background a give away. Thanks for confirming.

No problem with the acting here, we enjoyed it and Rhys Ifans as the guvernor of golf cracked me up, I find Sally Hawkins great in whatever she does, Happy Go Lucky with Eddie Marshan as the unhinged driving instructor is another favourite.
So did Mark Rylance get an Oscar for Phantom Of The Open? Not that I give those awards much gravitas, its all industry BS to me

Anyway I’m bag on the paracetomol after watching it :rofl:

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No for sniffing and twitching his way through Bridge of Spies.

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I’m not very familar with Mark Rylance acting portfolio and I dont think Ive seen Bridge Of Spies yet. I’m not sure the sniffing, twitching, over acting charge applies in Phantom…hes quite an understated eccentric character and in our opinion he plays it well. At least my now even sorer ribs will attest! :joy:

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Take the scene in the crane where he’s eating the sandwiches and telling his mates about taking up golf. It’s all twitching, contorted face pulling and strange voice mannerisms- just too much Shakespeare and Wolf Hall for me.

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Cant say I really noticed, I was more absorbed in the absurdity and hilarity of it all.
You sure your not just being a little too analytical at what at the end of the day is a lighthearted and fun tale of an underdog with dreams?
I mean Shakespeare it aint!

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It’s because I have his card marked and was just waiting to see how he played the role in this film and he didn’t let me down.

Just compare his performance to Sally Hawkins and Rhys Ifans. They come across as natural actors whereas Rylance seems too awkward and over playing the role all the time.

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Although I dont neccesarily agree, I can get where your coming from. There are some actors that no matter how good the film just annoy me, Hugh Grant is one example that immediately springs to mind, Mrs Dread struggles with anything thats got Nicholas Cage in it thats prompted a few amusing tug o wars with the remote! :joy:

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