What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?


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The Inspection

The story of gay black man Elegance Bratton who has an ambition to become a Marine, encountering and overcoming prejudice and bullying.
Written, directed by the man himself

I see your Costner and raise a Neeson :joy:

Triggered by this post just watched it on BluRay. Movie is not bad and visuals are pretty good. But had the whole movie the feeling that any time Tim the Enchanter,Roger the Shrubber and Brother Maynard with the Holy Hand Grenade would make their appearance…


Very low key for Cronenberg but he is attempting to explain in layman’s terms the Freud/Jung dichotomy.
Vigo is fine as Freud.
Fassbender always seems a bit wooden to me. Even when he is giving the troubled Knightley’s bum a good slapping. Twice.

Freevee/Amazon prime.

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A surprisingly good yarn about the post war discovery of a Vermeer painting hidden by the Nazi. The shenanigans around its production sale and trial of Van Meggeren. We still don’t know how many Vermeers Van Meggeren forged.

Nice deep plot. Guy Pearce shines. 4K print.

Freevee or Prime for £3.49 if the adverts are annoying.



An oldie that’s tremendous fun and with a wonderful atmosphere. In my book any film with both Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee in it can’t be bad!

It was once said of Peter Cushing that he is the only actor who can spout complete and utter absurd gibberish on screen and yet make it sound utterly 100% convincing - and so it is here.

Also a wonderful music score by Mike Vickers, ex of Manfred Mann, now released after many decades of unavailability, on both CD and LP. The Blu ray is excellent.

Also the follow up is equally good fun on Blu ray also:

Again with a great music score by US composer John Cacavas (Airport 1975, Airport '77, Kojak etc.) now on CD and LP also


I was curious about that one, its on my watchlist

Dracula Prince Of Darkness is one I particularly remember, havent seen it since I was a kid

That’s a good one too. ‘72’ and 'Satanic Rites" are both set in modern day London which gives them a quite different atmosphere to the Gothic castles and mountains/forests of the earlier films. They are my favourites from the Dracula series from Hammer along with ‘Taste the Blood of Dracula’ which is set in Victorian London but has wonderful characterisations from good actors. Also Linda Hayden - so some great eye-candy!


The Apartment

A film with a great cast. The synopsis makes it sound like you’re in for some broad comedy, especially with Jack Lemon and Shirley MacLaine, at her cutest. Disappointingly you are not.

I do not think that this script knew what it wanted to be, although co-written by Billy Wilder.

Had the tone been that of, say, the previous year’s ‘Some Like it Hot’, this could have been great fun. The set up is all there, but the film too frequently upset’s the tone - which includes an attempted suicide.

For me the clashing of comedic and dramatic elements made the rather pat ending seem vaguely ridiculous.

Great names do not a great movie always make.



Never seen it but I’ve found it tempting as I so enjoyed Jack Lemon in ‘The Out of Towners’.

I got the impression from reviews etc. that it had a somewhat downbeat melancholy tone and this put me off. Your experience seems to confirm this.

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The Apartment, Out Of Towners, The Fortune Cookie and especially The Odd Couple
All great films imo


Ah, must get that one soon!

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Matthau and Lemon at their best imo

Although nowhere near in the same league, the more recent (1993) getting back togethor of Matthau and Lemon for Grumpy Old Men is quite amusing.

Back to Out Of Towners, whenever I see it I wonder if this was the inspiration/idea for Steve Martin and John Candy Planes Trains & Automobiles, that film still cracks us up


Inspired by the ‘Carry on…’ thread… remarkable how similar what appears to be the lake district is to the khyber pass :wink:


It’s Snowdonia – the furthest the Carry On gang ever got from Pinewood, apparently!


Thanks for the correction… might search it out to add to my collection of Withnail locations visited, when over there next time.


Lovely part of the world we go there often.
Just dont make the mistake I did going up Snowdon, convincing Mrs Dread to get the rack up to the top and walk down, it’ll be easy as its all downhill. It aint and it hurts, I could hardly move for days after!

Its abit ‘uppy’ where ever you start :joy: