What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

I think Grant was trying to build on his character in The Gentlemen

Latvian WW1 movie; a more vibrant version of 1917 but from an Latvian perspective. Highly recommended.


Meg2: The Trench, streamed via AppleTV+. Wha ha ha! Utter rubbish, but the director (the renowned Ben Wheatley) must have been having such a laugh making this movie - ramping everything up to eleventystupid and enjoying the bigger budget compared to on his usual movies, while also paying tribute to the legendary Ray Harryhausen. “The Stath” is on entertaining shark punching form too. Drivel, but the teenager and I laughed all the way through it - a blast!


The Killer, streamed via Netflix. An effective David Fincher thriller, and certainly a welcome return to more familiar subject matter for Mr. F (after Mank). Certainly not his best movie, but it is Fincher on great form. Micheal Fastbender is outstanding, but Tilda Swinton steals (as always) the movie in just one scene. Highly recommended, especially for fans of the Finch’.


Is this any relation to John Woos The Killer?

No, the Fincher movie is based on a Graphic novel by Matz. As far as I know, it’s not linked to the John Woo film, save by name only.

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Percy vs Goliath

Based on the true story of Percy Schmeiser (Christopher Walken) and his legal battle against corporate giant Monsanto.
Percy inadvertently grows some Monsanto GMO crop after his fields become contaminated. Monsanto accuse him of growing Monsanto GMO without a licence and patent. The corporation sets out to harass and intimidate Percy and other farmers and sets out to ruin him. Against the odds he sets out to take Monsanto to court and finds himself a figurehead of the campaign against GMO in Canada.


Excellent and harowing three part expose of the colonial wars and terrible atrocities committed with impunity against Australia’s First Nation People. Atrocities and injustice upon which modern Australia is built.

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Uncharted on Amazon prime.
Complete hokum for a Sunday afternoon and all the better for being hokum.


Not seen this since way back when. Free on iplayer but I took a free trial of Studio Canal to watch in UHD with superb 5:1 sound, wow those helicopter rotors and Wagner.

Still powerfully shocking and repulsive…

The horror…


There is a brilliant companion to the film by Coppola’s wife Eleanor.

She shot a film diary but also covers the original aborted attempt by Orson Welles to adapt the book.

Interesting footage of Harvey Keitel playing the part of Captain Willard before Martin Sheen took over - then Sheen’s heart attack on the set.

Also great story of how Marcos allowed the use of the helicopters - a days shoot set up only to find the helicopters had been diverted to some skirmish in Laos.


Thanks Andy, I think I noticed that on the channel but didnt realise it was connected to Apocalypse Now, will check it out

Total Recall

Watched the restored version last night on Prime/Studio Canal.
Its very much of its time although mostly still stands up quite well. Daft but entertaining including the ridiculous mutant with three boobs :grin:


I much prefer the original Total Recall to the Colin Farrell remake.


I havent seen that one

Escape From New York (Remastered) Prime/Studio Canal

John Carpenters classic 1981 film set in the near future of 1997.
Still looks and sounds good on this “remastered” edition. Interesting cast including Isaac Hayes.

Not seen them in ages but from memory my most… erm…memorable other films would be The Thing, Assault On Precinct 13, The Fog and Starman


Horror double bill tonight…

The 2023 restoration of Wicker Man, despite over familarity with the films creepy weirdness the climax still has impact particularly due to the acting of Edward Woodward. Restoration is pretty good and the film has stood the test of time, still rightly regarded as a horror masterpiece imo

Dracula Prince Of Darkness

I remembered this being better but its dissapointing, no Peter Cushing and naff anti climactic ending.
I must have confused it with the earlier 1950’s Hammer Dracula


A cast of characters in unconvincing wolf costumes badly in need of remedial dental work.
Mildly amusing sleazy comic book horror bunkem from 1981

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Hamish Macbeth S01E03, on DVD.

Really enjoyable hokum.
