What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

The Matrix Resurrections – streamed.

I need to watch this again, as I was thoroughly confused from the first viewing. The first part of the film was soporific and the latter part simply a super hero movie, where previously set down rules within the Matrix series were rewritten for convenience.

To my eyes, this was all about the money i.e. making another film before Keanu Reeves and Carrie Anne Moss are too old for the screen!

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Agree, a massive disappointment. The first movie was a breath of fresh air, undermined by the subsequent movies, although the battle scenes in Revolutions were fabulous.

The Boogeyman - streamed via Disney+. In some ways this is a by the numbers haunted house classic B Movie, but it is actually rather effective, with some genuinely unsettling creepy moments - especially in the first half following a ‘light ball’ (inspired idea). Based on a Stephen King short story, which I haven’t read so can’t vouch for how close the film follows King’s themes. Arresting creature feature visuals influenced by the great Graham Ingels too. Highly recommended for fans of the (elevated) late night B Movie schlocker.


Prefer ‘Crouching Tiger…’ but worth it for the echo game scene and the bambo forest fight.


Michael Ove’s (see my earlier post) groundbreaking mid seventies film about a young English born black Britain struggling to find his identity and eventually has a conscious awakening.

Streamed on BFI

@Dreadatthecontrols …brilliant film, Anthony Hopkins is superb as Burt. …piccie of the bike. Its on display along with the repro bikes used in the film at a Hayes hardware store in Invercargill New Zealand. We visited in 2019 especially to see the bike. The Hayes family had links with Burt and have the bike other bikes and cars on permanent and free public display.


Great! Thanks for sharing the pics :+1:

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Dr No
Starting from the beginning 1962


I remember being taken to see that as a youngster. The spider scene freaked me out.


Me too unfortunately it’s one of my earliest memories of my father and I going anywhere on our own.


…and the same here…

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Just a pity that the Jamaican musicians, Carlos Malcolm and his band, were ripped off and never recieved a penny (according to Carlos) for the significant scores that he wrote and performed for the film



Filmed in Ireland - Folkestone Harbour station never looked that good.

Ah nice info, didn’ know that. Apparently filming locations were around Moate, Dublin Heuston and Cork railway stations

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“This is where I made my big mistake, I signed away my life. Once you signed a general release, that’s it,” he explained. “I got paid as hired. If you don’t sign it, you would get pay every time it (the movie) plays. After that, I went out and copyright everything I wrote. That’s the greatest lesson of my life,” Malcolm added

He signed the deal, his problem

Great fun set in mid seventies Brixton with a great Reggae, Soul, n Funk soundtrack including appearances by The Cimarons and The Real Thing.
The closing credits gave me a memorable chuckle soundtrack album available on Ronco Records
Ronco! Remember them along with K-Tel, Arcade etc :grin:

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Family intrigue during China’s Tang dynasty… visually impressive but rather predictable storyline.

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From 1970 Colossus: The Forbin Project


Weird coincidence! With all the talk of AI in the news that film came to mind over the weekend but I couldn’t find it available to stream anywhere. Then Monday morning and youre post, spooky!

Hows the Blu Ray?

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