What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

Because of what was missing and the light speed at which the rebellion took place.

I think it was horribly filleted

Didn’t enjoy it all. I enjoyed the first one , but not the second.



I understand your POV.

I reviewed the film on another thread, I said that for those who love the books it is best to try and forget ‘that’ telling. What works brilliantly on the page can falter on the screen.

I think V. did a great job of telling a slightly more screen friendly version of the tale; but, it is not the same, and is still truncated.

For me, I enjoyed what was there, and filled in the blanks :smile: Something I had to do much less than with Lynch’s telling. Although that had elements I enjoyed.

This is a story that needs a high production value, FAITHFUL, telling in a TV series.

I felt the SciFi version was a valiant attempt on a low-ish budget; with very patchy acting.

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I saw the film years ago, so I do not remember all of the reasons. I do remember that it seemed contrived in some places. I also could not stand Jared Leto’s character.

Wonderful performance by Kenneth More in the misleading titled ‘The Comedy Man’.

A stalwart cast.

Shot mainly in London W2 in buildings that got flattened to make way for the Westway.



Travolta still hot from Pulp Fiction and the rest of the cast not far behind.
The director and script writer allow Elmore Leonard’s prose to shine.
On Prime with a fine print.
Concentrate or you might get lost.


I remember going to see the first Blade Runner when it was first released, and being completely bowled over.

I had not read the source story. When I did I was disappointed; Philip K. D’s (I can’t write the author’s name, it is a naughty word - for goodness sake!) an acquired taste, one that I have never acquired.

It is a rare example of a film being better than the written source, for me.

BR2 was a film that I found deeply disappointing.

I found it hard to empathise with the main characters.

I believe that was delibrrate.

In the first film we saw the replicant gun down an 'innocent" man. Deckard was the cop solving the murder. We were on familier ground.

Ridley then spent the film widening the focus, so we saw the truth.

In BR2 K was a psychologically damaged person, and one who was deliberately made hard to empathise with, IMO.

Watching the film a second time made me appreciate what Villneuve was trying to do.

Leto’s character was deliberately appalling. A psychopath. He discarded his manufactured humans without regard. What does that say of his view to the rest of humanity?

K’s pursuit of the truth, fueled on by his misdirecting ‘memories’, in the hope that he was the natural born replicant, became far more compelling.

The use of the AI hologram, who supported and controlled him, hit home harder; and is, of course, commentary on today.

These themes, amongst others, all worked better the second time around, for me.

But, I found it all a far more cerebral experience than an emotional one. So, I still don’t enjoy the film. Unlike BR.

I won’t be watching it again. It lacks hope.

Watched the BluRay with my wife, over the last couple of nights; she falls asleep. Something to do with working all day, then looking after horses morning and evening.

Really shows this excellent film at its best.

Thx for sharing.

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After seventy years listening and studying jazz music I’m surprised I never got around to seeing this ‘joint ‘from Spike Lee.
I didn’t miss a great deal.
Self obsessed musician with two girl friends and a boyhood attachment to his hopeless manager. But alls well that ends well.

The jazz cues. Nightclub named after Mingus’ autobiography,practice over the Hudson will be Rollins,broken mouth will be Chet Baker. Etc.
Best acting performance by Spike himself,the rest wooden and obvious.
I blurayed but on Netflix I believe.


A film we missed when it was released, The Power of the Dog. Not an easy watch, but utterly gripping, with some excellent performances.


Being a huge fan of F1 and Ferrari, I had high hopes for this one. I was a bit disappointed. Adam Driver is not really convincing as Enzo Ferrari. The film drags in places.
The race scenes are very well done though. Some scenes are very graphic in showing accidents. I was taken aback by a few scenes that were well done. Worth a look, but not a masterpiece.

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What’s the story about?

An interesting one, essentially a ‘Space’ movie with very little of the plot taking part in space.

Better than I remember and some nicely flippant humour, some focussed on Star Trek’s place in popular culture, like the line “…I can’t believe my ears!”

A superbly daft plot however, as is common for Star Trek, it is in ways ahead of its time with some typically prescient factors in the production, e.g. the role of women, cultural diversity, the challenges presented by bureaucracy and the self elevated status of humanity on the planet being viewed less generously by a ‘foreign’ culture.

Directed by Nimoy again, like Ep. III before it, I kind of see him as the acting equivalent of Mike Nesmith.



Director Schrader (American Gigolo ,script for Taxi Driver) offers us another tale of those living on the edge of society.
Dafoe,a drifter and drugs courier for Sarandon’s high society cocaine business tries to put his life back into some sort of order.
An excellent’ noir’with two fine,early performances from our stars.
I bought a pile of Indicators during their sale however I see it is on Prime but with a charge.


I should be receiving today, 4K discs of two movies I have never seen. “Peeping Tom” from 1960 and “To live and die in L.A.” from 1986.
I will report back when I have watched them.

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One of my favourite films since I first saw it thirty years ago.

nVdia Shield Pro upscaling 480p to 4K and making it look like smooth celluloid.


I watched the Criterion collection of “Peeping Tom” last night.

It is an eerie movie, that is different from any other movie I have seen. The performances are first rate. The cinematography is also very nice. It is filmed in saturated Technicolor. Very surprising subject matter for a film that came out in 1960.



Another journey into the criminal underworld by Mike Hodges the director of Get Carter.
Clive Owen returns to south London gangland trying to understand and hand out retribution for his brother’s death.
Owen was a more animated actor in his younger days.
McDowell does his evil and nasty bit.
Rampling looks a little dowdy.
My sort of film discovery. On Prime free with a middling print.


When you watch that again pay careful attention to who is in the railway carriage with Carter when he goes up North.

I’ll say no more…

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Could be of interest to the elderly. Two old (well almost 70… so mature teenagers) men with on set dementia and heart problems decide to go on one last adventure before being dumped in a care home. A cinema tale often told.
The film is waytoo long and amateurish in construction but the childish banter between the two protagonists seems life like.
Not many reviews although American church web sites seem to have adopted the film, probably because the Ark is mentioned.
Swearing…… one mention of the word crap.
Nudity……one man wears shorts.
As my daily hobbling companion says…’You couldn’t make it up’

See what the future holds. You will have plenty of time to waste.On Prime.

I watched the original 1977 “Suspiria” last night. I really enjoyed it! The cinematography is beautiful. There are bright saturated reds and blues throughout the movie. The story is a little abstract, but that is good. There are no exposition dumps by the actors. This was my first movie from Dario Argento, but it won’t be my last.
