What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

Peeping Tom effectively ended Michael Powell’s career in the UK @DanielH . The critical backlash on its release was unbelievably negative. In the years since it has come to be recognised as the masterpiece it is. The critical mauling it got is, in retrospect, rather curious as 1960 also saw the release of what is possibly Hitchcock’s signature film, the equally explicit and just as disturbing Psycho - which was a huge hit.


Crowe is a retired detective with early on set dementia. He has signs in his house indicating a route to the toilet and even his name.
Crowe is having surgical treatment for the loss of memory which is indicated by some jazzy skull scars and a need to complete jig saw puzzles.
Crowe is approached to help a convict on death row with only a few days to live.
Does he manage to clear the prisoner’s name?
Bradshaw in the Guardian describes it as dreamlike. He probably fell asleep.
Prime’s latest offering for those untroubled by an incoherent story line.

Pride & Predjudice

The Rintoul & Garvey edition, and by far my favourite.

Mental chocolate for troubled times!


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Ash is a fine depiction,of what we must suppose is,Chinese rural life through three recent periods. We watch the rise and fall of minor gangsters dabling in ‘Western’ ways. Not shure what Mao would have thought of the dancing to YMCA. An extraordinary performance from Ms Zhao Tao. Worth streaming to watch this masterclass.
Farewell is an interesting interpretation of the mole in the Kremlin line.
But Tinker or Bridge of Spies are hard adversaries to even equal.
A truish story.Fine performance from Emir Kusturica as the mole.




I think this is known as Downfall where English be spoke.

About the last days of Hitler . I remember Bruno Ganz being impressive in the leading role.


Last night watched a double header on Apple TV…


A couple of enjoyable movies for a ‘boys night out’ time while the wife was out taking a class at a local college.

Yes. Downfall in English. The German language film is the source of the youtube channel called Hitler Rants.

Rolling Thunder Revue - A Bob Dylan Story By Martin Scorsese
The Criterion Collection


Had a great giggle last night with this… The Death of Stalin… fantastic cast and script… some absolutely classic lines in it…

“I’m smiling, but I’m very f****** furious!”


Sometimes it just all hangs together. A very fine ‘noir’

More from my Indicator haul.

Honest cop Glen Ford won’t let it settle until the villains are brought down.
But as Roger Ebert points out several women perish in his vengeful wake.
Glen’s wife is played by Marlon Brando’s sister.
In my teenage years Gloria was the femme of my dreamsThe girls in Grammar School 5a stream algebra just couldn’t compare.

There is a well produced and acted film of her death. Annette Bening plays the lead.
Film Stars don’t die in Liverpool.


We watched this a couple of nights ago. Mrs HH wanted it and I can’t say I was looking forward to it, but it was really excellent. Had I known it was a Baz Luhrmann film I would have been more keen.


Enjoyable adult doggy humour. :heart_eyes:

My eyes were stinging quite badly last night because of grass pollen but I have to say the uncut verges in the borough look,to my running eyes ,fabulous.

That’s my excuse for watching this and not a bluray.


After the Russell Crowe nonsense I thought I will give this ago. It can’t be worse.Thoughts of another Spirals lurking in the hopeful brain cell.

Please don’t waste your time. God only knows the target audience

The infallibles on Prime.

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In my opinion this is Depp’s best performance as an actor even though I don’t think the movie was ever that popular.


Before “Poor Things” made art core delectable for discerning types.
This is definitely for the undiscerning fans of Bad taste. 1990.



I rented the film “I saw the TV glow” last night. It was supposed to be a horror movie…

Do not waste your time with this one.

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Funnily this is definitely on my need to watch list.

Great film.

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It’s very good , quite low budget , but reasonably well written and quite subtle in its ending i.e. it doesn’t reveal what happened next