What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

Via BBC iPlayer

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The life story of Siegfried Sassoon. The poet was deeply affected by his experiences in WW1 and railed hard against what he thought was its unnecessary prolongation.Influence sent him to hospital,rather than the firing squad where he met Wilfred Owen. A far better poet he thought.
Constantly fighting against a lack of self fulfilment and searching for salvation from his war time experiences money allows him to lead a louche and at that time illegal lifestyle. A ‘marriage’ and Catholicism seem to have helped.
Fine set dressing,a wordy script and delicate direction by Davies make this a joy.
Poetry and manly cavorting might not suit some.
£3.49 on Prime or BFI.

The Friends of Eddie Coyle



Great cast - pretty much a classic.


I became convinced after watching that that the killer was not one person but all of the suspects that cropped up.

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Worth every word of praise lavished upon it.
Only the three actors. Two ex convicts kidnap Alice Creed thinking a fortune can be made by blackmail.
It all starts to unwind and Alice is not prepared to give in easily.
First time writing and direction by J Blakeson. Only a couple of settings used so quite claustrophobic.
Who needs Hollywood? Produced by the Isle of Man Film Co.
A well spent £2.00 for an eBay purchase.
Goodness knows why it earned an 18 rating . No sexual excess or much violence.

Good, bad? Mrs HH went to bed while I endured it. Very clever but what on earth was it about?


It’s alright, better than average, worth a watch but nothing spesh for the most part. The end scenes are very well made though.

Of course the piss poor photography tech. bits throughout wound me up no end however!

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Watched this last night on Netflix and I can thoroughly recommend it. It’s a comedy by Richard Linklater (who is incapable of making a bad film in my book). It’s not one of those tedious films glorifying hitmen but based on a true story about a college professor who works for the police pretending to be a hitman. Very funny and genuine chemistry between the two leads



I watched “A perfect world” the other night.
It is an enjoyable movie. Kevin Costner gives a great performance as the likeable, but dangerous man escaped from prison.


The trouble at the 2021 Euros final at Wembley is a good subject for a documentary. Unfortunately this isn’t a great doc. It’s quite well made from a technical standpoint but there are so many omissions in the story. Best judge for yourselves…

Yes we watched that, good fun and Adria Arjona makes it funner.


AKA Far Into the Night.

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Really enjoyed this, particularly the war scenes with clever use of still photography. Some background on what led to all this might have been nice but I don’t think that was essential to the film. 8/10


American Fiction.

I really enjoyed this film - Jeffrey Wright is wonderful in this brilliant satire that sets out to skewer racial stereotypes.


What a film.

“Look I probably should have told you this before but you see, well, insanity runs in my family…It practically gallops.”

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We watched this last night. It’s funny and dark with a great storyline and good music. The visuals are just incredible.



I’ll give it a whirl. I’ve not heard of it but I know Jeffrey Wright has amazing range. I think his broken soldier in the reimagining of the Manchurian Candidate was superb.


I dug out some Fincher and whilst I enjoy most and am not put off by random violence this one I have always found hard work.
I appreciate the concept but the dark physicality of the fights ….is truly frightening.
Brad Pitt,Edward Norton,a spiteful Helena BC and Meat Loaf with breasts.

It obviously resonates somewhere in the male psyche if you read the adoration heaped on Amazon DVD page.

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