I had heard that it was basically the same as the first one and therefore, pointless.
One thing about Ridley Scott though, he’s always been very hit and miss. A lot of stuff he’s done is mediocre but dotted through with excellent outliers. That’s not a new development.
I think Tony Scott was more consistent. Not hitting the peaks that Ridley does, but consistently well above average. In fact, I might treat myself to a Tony Scott masterpiece tonight.
A sort of condensed history, could easily have been a six parter! Does fill in my sketchy bits of who was around when and who wasn’t and then was again before they weren’t…
You’re not wrong there. He’s definitely not a ‘cerebral’ director but visually he is up there with the very best. His place in cinematic history is assured just for Alien and Blade Runner alone - he single-handedly created the visual aesthetic for near-future space films and near-future dystopian films respectively. Throw in Thelma & Louise and Gladiator (single-handedly reviving the historical epic) and possibly Kingdom of Heaven ( a personal fave) and he can be very proud. It’s just that he is now making films that are increasingly disappearing up their own arses - particularly the tedious Alien reboots and this new low. A shame
Abit of a rehash of themes from earlier films in the series… bad corporations, peeps creeping around a derelict space hulk, good/bad androids and meeting the friendly neighbourhood xenomorph who does not want to lend them a cup of sugar but the finale fisticuffs revisit the xenomorph-human hybrid trope with laugh out loud results that ruined it for me. Some nice throw backs to the earlier films in the dialogue though.
After all the hype I found Alien Romulus rather disappointing. You only need to go back and dig out the original to understand why, and also why that film is up there with the very best. Of the other Alien films, I increasingly feel that Alien 3 is the next most interesting one in the series, despite its rather troubled production.
Yes Alien3 was always my favourite and people said I was nuts. For a start, the cast is stellar. And it brings the level of foreboding grimness down to a whole new level. It gets technology completely out of the way. The director’s cut is substantially different from the theatrical release but I’m not sure it changes the fundamental film.
Ridley gave this one a production shove. Director/ writer Erin Creevey. 2013 release.
It’s a decent caper. Mcavoy,Strong,Mullen and David Morrisey so the acting is strong. The little known Johnny Harris also needs mention.Roaring around London at night with a handsome print fires up the sub woofer.
On Prime. Worth a look if you enjoy Heat style films.
I think Handmaid’s Tale was originally made by Hulu. I thought it was too well made and spot on so I stopped mid season 2. It became less and less like fiction. Or the world we live in became more like fiction. Either way. The two began to merge and it made me uncomfortable to watch.
Hi, sorry to bother on different topic, your knowledge might be precious for me: I have 3 power supply and 1 power amp, all humming. till now I was using 2 IFI DC blockers, now I would like to put 1 single DC blocker before the mains distributor. how powerful should it be? IFI DC blockers can stop up to 1,2V of DC, torody up to 2, ATL has 2 models, 1 up to 2V, 1 up to 4,5V. Torody and ATL can handle 2000 w of power, so are enough
Have you actually diagnosed DC offset as the root cause? It’s just one of several causes of hum and not even the most common - it’s just that audiophiles are obsessed with it. If a DC blocker on one component resolves hum on that specific unit, then yes, offset is probably the root cause in that case.
As for the size of the blocker, it needs to, at a minimum, meet the total max consumption of all the connected boxes. But ideally, rather than a natty blocker (I have the Ifi one lying in a drawer somewhere), an isolating transformer rated for the actual circuit (so anywhere from 1500w to 3000w depending on country). An isolating transformer is likely to move the hum from downstream units to itself though so best located in line on the circuit near the consumer unit. That will provide the lowest resistance current even for power amps and no filtering. It’s just a big inline linear transformer with. 1:1 ratio since offset cannot traverse a transformer.
Back to purely the nuts and bolts of your question, if powering just Naim power supplies, the standard Ifo 300w blocker can be used into any mains distribution block that doesn’t have a captive power chord. Which is pretty common for audiophile mains blocks, even pretty cheap ones.
For more detailed discussions and other’s opinions, I really suggest a new or existing thread on the topic.
I had not seen “Scarface” in decades. The one time I had watched it in the past, was on the DVD format.
I bought the 4K HDR version on disk and watched it yesterday. Wow! As with any DePalma film, you need to see it on a big screen in the best quality possible. What a treat for the eyes.
Pacino is great. He hams it up just enough, without stepping over the line. A must watch in 4K HDR.