What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

She did!

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Thanks, glad I dragged that out of the memory box

My God, I forgot how depressing this one was. Great picture quality though.


Harrowing in places, Tom Hanks at his finest and part factual. I regard a great film (Tom got an Oscar) - albeit, it is ‘of its time’ in many ways. Probably get a 12-cert now, some c.25 years on.

One of those films which carries a ’ you may drink more than you intended to during the course of this film’ warnings.

And 1 year later came that cinematic oddity Forrest Gump, after which making a selection from a box of chocolates was never the same again :grin:

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Very good. Weirdy, it was a brand new disc that the Blu-ray player asked if we wanted to resume play? 🤷🏾

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Wagner - Siegfried - Zubi Mehta

Played the first two acts last night. The high tech staging works well in places but I was annoyed with it in others and I don’t think it worked as well as in the previous two operas in the Ring.

Act 3 tonight.

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The Angels’ Share - the 18-certificate version on Blu-ray, from 2012. Directed by Ken Loach.

A film of 2 halves as the first half serves as laying the background to the characters in a gritty and sometimes violent & uncomfortable way (hence the 18 cert), which develops in to an Ealing-style comedy caper. I re-read the blurb c.30 mins in, as it wasn’t clear where the comedy angle was coming from.

Worth a viewing (there is 15-cert version) but you may need to turn the sound up to decode some of the language and the heavy Scottish accents in some of the scenes.

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Gemini Man with Will Smith, Apple TV


A fascinating mystery.


I did not enjoy it despite the fact that I appreciate vey much her work. I also heard a lecture by the film maker at Northwestern University. I know personally the son of the photography place (it is still there) where she used to have her films and prints made for her. He remembers the rare occasions when she chose to show him some of her work. His reaction was similar to mine. The woman was a very private person who never chose to display her work in public and digging into her personal life (beyond displaying her photographs) is plainly showing disrespect to the person she was.

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Great cast with the tragic Laurie Bird.


Good film for 4k.


Excellent film but you gotta question who chooses the artwork for the cover.

Yes it doesn’t relate to the film at all does it?

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As also posted on the Jazz thread, last night I watched a great film for lovers of the early '60s London jazz scene; All Night Long.

Essentially an adaptation and reworking of Shakespeare’s Othello, starring greats like Richard Attenborough and Patrick McGoohan, It features a number of Jazz greats including Charles Mingus, Dave Brubeck, Tubby Hayes, John Dankworth and many others.

Great film, and excellent transfer to Blu-ray by Network.



What a fabulous film, absolutely beautiful with a great soundtrack made up completely of recorded sounds, no music. It is a typical foreign film, not much happens, but it happens in a very beautiful way. Great documentaries as well on the Blu-ray and I particularly liked the one on how the soundtrack was put together from thousands of individual tracks.


Didn’t think this would be my cuppa tea at all - then saw the trailer as you do whilst skipping through to the main feature and I have to say very good indeed. Steve Coogan has Stan nailed.


With so much doom & gloom about, it’s time to re-watch an old favourite.

Goldfinger - from 1964. The stunning Shirley Eaton and Honor Blackman, the name of whose character nearly didn’t make it past the American censors. Their innuendo-riddled opening exchange is one for the ages.

IMV, never bettered within the Bond series of films.



Pretty well acted, the true story of sexual harassment of women on the FOX network.

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Fantastic concert film from 1985.

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