What is the one hi-fi thing you regret selling?

My Linn Sondek / Black Ittok / Troika.
But I don’t dwell on it, you can’t change the past.

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Well I have had them for 13 years now and I have kept them because the likely proceeds are terrible compared to their value to me but a pair of curtains is a bit in the way of where they might go (with the tv

That is either side of the tv, powered by unitiqute. The floor is solid but not quite sure I can get close to the back wall due to the curtains. I wonder if I should just get a muso…

Hah! Such a tease. A photo of everything except the SBLs…

So to add,
My current Phonostage is in the same price bracket as the pre
Marginally more expensive than the 552

The idea of a Statement pre appeals if I can create the funds, but once again I can’t justify the S1 pre unless the phonostage is at the same level


Sorry. - they are in the loft surrounded by mess! Need new grilles, too

The list is very long…

Probably the Classé DR3b and the Nakamichi 700 but I have my trusty little Nait 2 to comfort me. Still waiting for a ONIX OA21 Icon to keep me company for my old days but don’t think it’s going to happen now :sleepy:

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Who sells anything!!! :exploding_head: Wha??

I have everything I bought since I was a teenager, including my Dual 1225.


Loads of records that I sold when CD was king which I could never afford to replace now. Upsets me when I think about it…


Linn Kan II, Naim NAP 135s.


Linn Keilidhs. And my pair of dirt cheap matt black Soundstyle Tripod racks with black ash shelves. All back in 2001.

If I had them, I’d use a UQ2 and DacV1 as the badis for an active Keilidh system build on shoebox components.

Reminiscent of my beautiful Elite CLD-99 laserdisc player, which I let go for $100 last summer with 15 disks. Your player aged better!


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Oh ditto Nick. I forgot about my old Denon LD player and 50 odd Laserdiscs. I loved the thing at the time. Clunky and so much more work than a DVD or streaming but it made movie night an event.

I had managed to get my hands on a lenco, but I had no use for it, so it sat in the attic and sadly tumbled to the floor. Never did get to hear it.

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May as well add my own item , early Mission 710 speakers - probably the first “real equipment” I owned. Beautifully finished, nice sounding, but in those days, Mission would change a speaker completely and keep the same model designation (IIRC). Mine were a “good” 710 but I think their were several with the same designation over time. Have to add Yamaha cr-820 receiver - absolutely lovely to look at (even with all the meters and buttons. If I ever did build a second system (and it would be for looks) I would love to get my hands on the even bigger 1020/2020/3020? - can’t remember the #'s completely anymore .

My first Hifi was Arcam with a pair of B&W 601 s3. I sold the lot a few years back but now wish I had kept the speakers. In hindsight I realise how much fun they were.

I’m not sure if I would even be using them but I would love to have them.

I sold them to my boss so I guess there may still be a chance to buy them back one day.

My broken Arcam Alpha5+… I should have got it mended.

I could be talked back into owning most of my old kit. There’s times I miss my cd3.5/fc/nait3, it was the system that snared me 20 years ago.


Old things part fund new things, ergo not selling or part exchanging means less upgrade capability…

Different strokes for different folks. I have sold plenty of things. But by the same token, I have gathered a collection of old computers going back 20 years and hifi bits to build several frankenstein mismatched systems. Things come in and out of use as circumstances change. Ultimately I hang on to most electronics and often for the most silly sentimental reasons.

I have a set of Bose AM10 I got in 2005 I’m about to have no use for after 15 years sterling service. I should sell them. But they are my last link to a set of memories from a very interesting time.

I totally understand irrational hoarding of electronics more than old clothes and stuff. Nostalgia makes me happy.

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Naim CD5. Still got around 700 cd’s nothing to play them on. What a muppet.

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