I won’t go Statement and will stay at 500 level. Next indeed is Carbon 6 Signature or Fact 12, possibly Spendor, Apertura, ATC, Magico or even Audiovector. Probably not B&W.
Chag -
I won’t go Statement and will stay at 500 level. Next indeed is Carbon 6 Signature or Fact 12, possibly Spendor, Apertura, ATC, Magico or even Audiovector. Probably not B&W.
Chag -
I guess I reached the Naim system I wanted.
As for speakers, the Magico S3 MkII were a revelation ; the exact speakers I was looking for.
The ultimate speakers would probably be a pair Magico M2 or M3
Being realistic in my small listening room … I think Magico A1’s would be just dandy…although it would be a laugh to have active Kans (mk2) driven by 500dr’s!!!
If you’re able to find a pair of used Magico Q1 then you’ll probably get one of the best 2 way standmounts around. I audiotionned them, they are outstanding.
Magico S1 MKII would also be an option.
Wow yeah the Q1 it is that would be superb…there’s a pair in Hong Kong for 18k!!!
Another vote for Magico S3, maybe S5. I believe they are speakers which allow you hear everything a 500 series is capable of, and more. Moving up to Statement would probably take M3 or M6.
I love my Shahinian Diapasons. I couldn’t imagine ever having anything else…
The two huge horn speakers are the ultimate for Naim so that you can hear its hiss better?
Personally, I think active DBLs are still the apex of Naim. However, I do have a very strong hankering for a pair of these;
I’m not sure they could be my only speakers, but hard to beat when you just want to have fun.
What are they Richard?
My starter pack arrives this week. Atom with Bowers 705 series. Super excited as I have a small office at home.
Where are the tweeters Richard?
Are they the circular thing either side of the port or is that some kind of switch??
Whoops, sorry. JBL 4343s.
The high frequencies are handled by the JBL 2405 HF unit.
Image here is courtesy of Lansing Heritage.
Wow bit of a head banger then!!! Those JBLs look as if they take no prisoners!!!
Definitely agree - they were superb. I wish they continued making them - or upgraded versions of them.
And those speakers?
They would surprise you with their subtlety, when called for. I was totally smitten listening to a pair that had been rescued from the old Deutsche Schallplatten studio and then restored. Listening to Neil Young’s Trans Am from Sleeps with Angels played via a CDX2 and NAIT 5i in a fairly near field setting gave me goose bumps.
I had never really taken big old JBLs that seriously, until a discussion over dinner with Naim’s old Italian distributor, where he named the 4343s as one of his grail speakers - this coming from a man who had incredible taste in kit, and whose super-rare STAX full range electrostatic speakers I had been admiring just an hour or so earlier. So, after that, I made it my mission to track down a pair and give them a listen. I was not disappointed.
DBL closely followed by SBL closely followed by NBL. Spot the pattern there? Hell all 3 TBH