What kit are you gifting yourself for Christmas?

I was just reading the ‘Trading it all in’ thread and it got me thinking that it may be part of a self-gifted Christmas upgrade :grinning:

Personally, I have finally completed my search for a NAP 155 XS (has taken months, but that’s’ another story) and it should arrive this week. Now the dilemma is whether to unbox it and stick it in my office, or put it under the tree and wait for F. Christmas to slide down the chimney on the 24th…

Wondering if any of you are gifting yourselves some new audio gear for the holiday??



Not this year, it’s all done.
This year it’s all about the music.
Looking forward to some great stuff I know about and the inevitable surprises that my wife throws in…:blush::heart:

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treating myself to 222/350 depending on when it arrives i may set it to run in for 3 weeks but hold off proper listening till christmas… or maybe not!

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If we only include the kit bought in December then it is only an NC250. So, it’s not excessive.

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I hope to manage to give myself some quality listening time


Nothing to do with audio , for flower photography , the 1.2 max aperture is rather surreal in terms of isolating the subject


Does the nait 50 count? All run in for a few months ready for the Christmas playlists.


Are you joking, with my Naim set sounding this good?!

Seriously guys, whatever new stuff you are treating yourselves with, enjoy it :slight_smile:



Surely we should be gifting to other people, whether with hifi or anything else, and if others choose to give us anything, whether or not hifi, that should nit be expected or even known! (Though we might hint whar we wiuld like if anyone were to be so generous a to give us anything)…


My hifi buying behavior is not dictated by pagan holidays. :smiley:


No new stuff this year. We’re saving for the next phase of our garden. I do feel an itch though so I might get the SBLs out of storage and let them do duties instead of the Ovators for a while. Or maybe the IBLs!


Getting a Linn Selekt Edition DSM Hub with Utopik and two Stereo Power Amplifier Cartridges with two Organik DAC modules.

Part exchanging my current Linn Streamer and Naim amplification components.

Hopefully, will be here and installed in time for Christmas.


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Maybe I’m wrong but I thought you couldn’t have the amp modules fitted if you had dual mono Organik DACs ?

You can have up to three cartridges fitted.

I’m having two Stereo Power Amplifier Cartridges fitted making it active, leaving one spare slot.

You are correct, you can only have two Mono Line Out Organic DAC fitted

They also do a Stereo Line Out Cartridge and a Hybrid Cartridge as well.



Nothing I’m afraid and probably for the best.


I decided that it would be rude to ignore the Winter Solstice so bought myself an NVC TT and NPX TT.


All done here.

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Well I tried to gift a chez longue and a leather two seater sofa: no takers.
In return a pair of stressless recliners turned up today.


I got my 500/500 PS serviced in November. My 52 and Supercap are on the schedule for April. Given my age, 66, and likely hearing loss over the years, I suspect that will be the last time I do that.

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Funny, how many of us tend to collect speakers eh? I have four sets of decent speakers myself. Some enthusiasts have 10 or 15 sets sitting around.
Weird … but true …