What makes you listen to the same album over and over?

I rarely watch a movie or tv series more than once, there are exceptions but every few. However I can (and do) play an album over and over ,some, if I had the time I could listen to every day and it’s not just the classics.

What makes you listen to the same album over and over?

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My only answer is that I like it and it resonates with me. I do find that after some time on the regular play list it does drop down the list and end up with all the other old favs to be played as and when.


Interesting comparison and question re music, and relevant for anyone with either a collection of recordings or a subscription to a streaming service. Often if I get a new album I will play it many times in just the first few weeks, and my favourite ones will get played multiple times a year. But with films there are only a few that I have watched more than two or possibly three times over multiple years, and the majority I liked I’ve only watched once. But I have no idea why the difference!

I wonder how often I have listened to The Doors’ self-titled debut album or, more recently, Jeff Buckley’s ‘Grace’?

And I do it with Classical music too, such as Carlos Kleiber’s startling Beethoven Fifth Symphony or Karl Bœhm’s majestic Bruckner’s Fourth Symphony.

Of course, the advantage of Classical music is that you can have several recordings of the same piece, with each conductor (or soloist) giving a slightly different reading to any other.

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I wouldn’t say that i listen to “the” same album over and over again. But i do listen to a collection of albums by the same artist/group. As an example, at the moment i’m working my way through my entire collection of Zappa albums (there is a lot :grinning:). Prior to Zappa, i went through all my Sade albums. Not made my mind up yet on what i will play after i’ve finished Zappa.


Nothing makes me as such.

When I was a teenager this was simply what you did. Bought an album; played it to death and then moved on to the next one.

As I’m sure we all do, I have had periods of not playing or being in love with music generally and I realised some of the issue was that so much was availailable that it had become a habit to listen once or twice and move on. For a while I forced myself to listen to stuff repeatedly (aided by beung in a workplace album group where the rule was four listens before commenting) and the love of music and discovery came back. It’s very easy to lose that teenage obsession and wonder.


You can listen to albums linearly or on shuffle, there is no conclusion to an album like there is to a film. However, there are films that I have watched several times and I am sure there are movie buffs who will watch the same film over again immediately after one watch.

As Mike said, listening to albums many times was just what you did as a yoof. There are still tracks that give a buzz when I listen to them even though I have heard them lots of times over the years. Why not?

I think there’s a lot of us that have go to albums, sometimes many. How many times have some members listened to TDSOTM or Ziggy (they may not be your choice but you get my point).


Enjoyment and an emotional connection. :+1:t2:


Agreed, Eric Clapton - Journeyman, Van Morrison - Enlightenment, Dextor Gordon- Go or One Flight Up, Sade - Diamond Life, are amongst my go too list, albums that I can just put on sit back and enjoy, music that puts a smile on my face irrespective of my mood when I sit down.

There are a few others I could mention but these are the ones I will play at any time. Why these? I have no idea I just seem to have a bond with them. It is odd as I like loads of other albums and happy to play a wide variety of music most of which makes me smile but there is just something about these LP’s that sucks me in.


Very simply …the way a particular album makes me feel that links to my mood at that moment in time


If anything I remain so wrapped up in finding new stuff that the go to albums of my teens and twenties have largely gone.

Fair enough

It depends on my mood… finding new things is an active effort over and above just wanting to listen to some music. With an old favourite, you know what you a getting and can just sit back and listen.


I wonder how many that have streaming services go through and preview new music. I’ve found some gems there, that I’ve bought.

I love finding and playing new music but I still will go back through my library. Guess it’s just a mood.

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Indeed, however in those days I had only a very small collection, so it was the only possibility, all heavily played and of course a new one was just that, something additional, also unfamilar.

Not all of us. I for one have never stopped playing or being “in love with music”, and if I like music I buy it and then it is in the periodic replay cycle, whether that is frequent or not.

I have only a relatively small music collection - perhaps a couple of hundred albums. I find that suits me. I listen to a relatively small number of those over and over, and the rest just occaissionally as the mood takes me.

I don’t like having large collection as I find it a little overwhelming. Also I know what I like and I would rather spend time listening to that rather than be on a constant quest to discover new music. Of course from time to time I hear something that catches my ear and then I’ll buy it.

Every now and then a surprising album drops.
A song with an interesting chord sequence and melody. Drum rhythms. Colour palette etc. something that challenges and making one want to get a proper measure of.
Then sometimes it just gels with whatever is going on in life, then providing a snapshot memory of that moment in time - like a scent that instantly transports you back in time to when you first encountered it along with every emotion and consciousness shape.
Others a feeling of pleasure going through again the infinite intricate details coalescing with ear worm memory.


Thinking about it, there is one big difference between a lot of music and a lot of films:as a generalisation music engages your brain in a different way -your brain does something with the music as it engages you, creating feelings and thoughts from within you, your imagination is key. Against that, as a generalisation film present a story on s plate. YouI know what it is about, and a given film is always about the same thing (however complex, multilevel etc).

Of course I mean the sort of music to which I listen, because I very much don’t think it applies to all music, such as throwaway pop, even when sometimes there might be a good story in the lyrics - the music which is where the depth clnes from just doesn’t have it.

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We’ve found that finding new music has led to us neglecting our existing local library. Since realising this we’ve made an effort to mix things up more and it’s a joy to go back to albums which haven’t been played in an age.

A good point. At the point at which I would play an album for weeks I probably had 50 to 100 albums. Even when I moved from vinyl in 1990 it probably maxed out at 350. No idea of knowing whether I’d have flogged to death the 1,725 CDs I ended up with.

Fair enough. I lost any desire to replay music for about a year after the death of my closest friend. I played a lot of guitar and wrote a lot of songs that year but couldn’t face listening for a while. Also struggled with the sound of my system for a lomg period as documented on here.