What now for 272 owners?

Mogamis are the best

I have ATC 50As, was comparing during the last show Auralic and Cambridge Audio Edge NQ. To me, the Edge NQ was sounding better. It also has XLRs out and analog preamp …

Is it really? I’ve heard those here claiming the difference marginal at a best and absolutely not worth the hassle.

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If it’s better it doesn’t justify the other box afaic. Btdt.

Fellas it doesn’t matter what is better. There is an option within the Naim product line to suit anyones preferences. Just get what you like and are comfortable with and enjoy… they all sound good :blush:


Wise words


My guess is with the demise of the 202 , whenever the 272 is replaced that will fill two niches in the Naim line -up.

I also think it’s more than like to have a MM input

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You found the Ndx2 poor value because it shines with a psu. Well, it can be understood.
But how about the 272, which only shines when paired with a 555 dr ?

Not to my ears. But what do I know, I only owned one for several years?



You know better than me, as I have never owned one.
But there were a lot of posts and threads on the 272, and so many said how things change when the 272 is connected to a 555 dr.

Also a happy 272 user here, rest assured; standalone the 272 is a great piece of kit. Adding a power supply only raises it’s performance to a new level …

A 272/250DR sound great on their own and the fact they’re only 2 boxes is pretty remarkable. I would’ve been content with this set up for a long time but I came across a good deal on a 555PS so I now have the three. The 555 brings a night/day improvement but that shouldn’t discount the quality of the 272 on its own.

Looking forward to a 272 replacement with modern streaming bits.


So it’s probably the same for the Ndx2. Great value on it’s own but night and day when powered by the 555 dr.


That’s not true I had a 272 with XPS DR and it worked a treat, there’s only one member I know of who keep banging on about how it only work with the 555PS.


Go for it Pete - keep them honest :+1:

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Honest, that’d take more than me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

There is no doubt that the 555 PS substantially improves the SQ of the 272, but then you’re in the same price region as NDX2/282/HC and it’s not so obvious which is better.


PS Don’t want to start another debate on SQ merits of 272 vs other setups.


I see the additional power supply options really as making these units an entirely different component. The price needed to improve these products is not just a bit extra, it is sometimes more than double. This makes it a different proposal and realistically places it in a completely different price bracket. To say that the likes of the NDX2 needs the power supply to sound right is a bit ridiculous. I haven’t read a single review that confirms that viewpoint. Most likely just someone justifying their outlay for said supply. I assume that the same goes for the 272.


Well we’ve tinkered around the edges for a while. Full fat power lines, SL interconnect, SL speaker cables. Fabulous sounding system.

555PSDR replacing XPSDR might be an incremental improvement.

Unfortunately the next step is going to cost around 15K ex demo - 252/SCDR/NDX2. Small mercies we can reuse our XPSDR on NDX2.

Will probably move on in stages - SCDR+252 first, 272/XPSDR line out into pre. NDX2 at later stage, or maybe Auralic if we sell XPSDR to fund 50%.

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I was probably reading too often one member insisting on how the 555 dr is an absolute necessity :grin: