What now for 272 owners?

Wouldn’t it be great if the 272 replacement was voice activated (i.e. aka Alexa) and you could just say “play Beatles, Come Together”…is it too late to incorporate into the spec? :thinking:

I don’t want other people or companies to know what I listen to at home. Nor to listen what is said at home.
So I’m against the feature you ask for. Not a step forward to me.


In that case don’t activate the function? Would certainly benefit those with failing sight who strain to squint at the text on their iPhones…


I’ve recently added pre-loved NDS/252/SC for about half that amount, which includes a service for the latter two.

Loving the sound of this new setup. The 272 was good, but usually just shy of what I wanted from a hi-fi system.

Do the extra boxes and racks dominate / overpower the room? Well, yes they do, so I’ve also had to upgrade my home (moving next month).

The cost effectiveness of my hi-fi upgrade clearly hinges on whether the new house is included in the calculation.

[Ed: this forum member failed Accounting 101 as part of his BA Econ degree]

Why? Are people nowadays so lazy that they are incapable of controlling a piece of equipment from their phone whilst sat on their back side?

But they can give that command to Siri if whatever else in their phones. So having such option on the Naim is pointless. not to mention that it would need extra hardware and thus put the price up.

Completely agree Mark. I recently had a conversation with a said dealer who has supplied many on here that believes the separate power supply route only exists on the new products due to them being a thing for so many years.
He believes that the XPSDR and 555DR don’t have the same effects as they did on the previous generation streamer/DACs.

I had to agree given my own experience having demoed a XPSDR on the NDX2. I went to the dealership fully expecting to order such unit only to leave still with my money in my pocket.
I couldn’t hear enough of an upgrade to justify the cost…
I couldn’t comment for the 555DR however.

I also have never heard or read a review to say that the NDX2 needs the added power supply to perform as it should.


You can tell Siri to open the Naim App but you cant ask it to play a song in the directory hierarchy as far as I can tell…

You can ask Siri to play some music on the “insert airplay device”. I have used this a few times on the Atom but only for novelty purposes. I don’t really like to ask to have things done. I have smart lights and I hate asking for the lights to be turned on/off. Instead we have all the main lights set on timers and have tweaked them to come on at the right time and fade as the evening progresses. It works really well!

Cant see how you could get that to work, how does Siri know where to go once you get to the main Naim App screen to get to the track or radio station you want (i.e. USB/Rear/Beatles/Come Together or Internet Radio/BBC Radio/BBC Radio 2). Ive tried shortcuts & scripting but the options are very limited…any phrases regarding playing music seem to default to the apple store or it wants to run home to Mama…

It has to be via airplay via the Apple Music app. I know it works as I have done it. You bypass the Naim app.

If the Naim streamer appears in your airplay device list then you technically should be able to request music to play on it.

Obviously not everyone wants to use airplay or Apple Music but that’s the only way it can currently be done.

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