What now for 272 owners?

I suppose the tube choice is more a matter of taste rather that absolute performance. As for the upgrade, he doesn’t really give a detailed instruction on how to do it. Which makes me think it might not be so simple. If I had one I’d probably end up attempting it at some point though.

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I would ask him. By all accounts he’s helpful.

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My Special Edition ATC SCM20ASL - amplifier is separate under the speaker, you can hang them on the wall also if needed



These are ATC Activé 50s… they are the best


Yes, I should perhaps do that. But after, I think I will not be able to do that myself. A bit complicated.

Thanks, I didnt know about those. I never borrowed the SCM19A:s they were just a bit much for us to move around.

Instead I have been using my own small Devore 3XL speakers which turned out to be a supernice match with the EAR 912. I also found the 250DR to be a better match than either my 135s or my 300DR.

So for this 272 owner it looks like the way forward is a valve preamp.

If you must modify remember to add a sticker on the back so future buyers are aware.

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@frenchrooster @Mark84

It’s a shame we can’t discuss DIY, as I have some knowledge about the coupling capacitors used in the design of the EAR amp; and I have experience of using coupling capacitors to ‘voice’ an amplifier (in a similar way to which Troels Gravesen has done here).

It may be possible to exchange e-mail if you are interested (I can create a short duration temporary e-mail address to allow us to exchange normal e-mail addresses).

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Thanks for the offer, it is appreciated. However, I do not own one of those pre amps. Although I would like to.

Thanks Xanthe. I will ask first my dealer if he is able to do that. I will not take the risk to do that myself. Perhaps Ear Yoshino can do it ?

I suggest you start by getting input from Ear Yoshino before changing to another type of cap which may have different thermal/frequency/resistive/inductance characteristics. As for changing the cut-off frequency - the designer may well have chosen the cut-off for a reason.

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I somehow doubt they’d be willing to modify their own kit. Like Naim’s also against that.

If you can get good instructions it should be easy to find someone that can do it. If you don’t have good instructions you need someone who can not only solder well but really understands what they’re doing.

I guess between Troels Gravesen and Xanthe you might have the instructions covered.

We are out of topic….however I was referring to the ear 912 caps, not Naim.
Anyway I will ask directly Ear Yoshino one day.

I understood, I only used Naim as an example. Saying Ear would likely be the same.

Supporting such a change/upgrade is essentially saying they didn’t build it the best they could initially. I think no manufacturer will admit that.

…you little teaser you, Richard…:wink:

Folks hanging out for a new NAC 272 replacement? and Naim bring out a turntable! You could not make this stuff up. Such as the inverted world we all find ourselves living in :rofl:

Other people waited for decades for a Naim turntable


Yup. I’m waiting on their Headphones! :eyes:

There will soon be some people wanting a Solstice that plays 78s :wink: :smiley: