What releases are you looking forward to

I would be interested in the album if you find any additional information please post. I did a quick search and could not find anything regarding this album. Thanks for the heads up!

Just reminded me that I ordered a pink un ages back. Forgot about that!

Hi SK, I couldn’t find much, just this website.

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Agree Kev, black will do nicely!

Coming out in March, extremely complex prog rock/metal

I hope the 22 year wait will prove to have been worth it! I didn’t think that much of the first two.

Due in March:


Already on pre-order. Due out on March 19.


And it’s out and jolly good it is too… Once again, thanks to @BertBird for originally steering me to them.


And for 1USD on bandcamp, you can’t go wrong here…

Bad news for anyone who pre-ordered a vinyl copy of Mercury In Retrograde, I’m afraid – it was due to start shipping at the end of this week, but has been delayed by AT LEAST FOUR WEEKS.

This is due to circumstances outside our control – our pressing plant, The Vinyl Factory, had a Covid-19 scare wehich forced the company’s closure for a number of weeks. This in turn has led to a knock-on effect on everyone’s manufacturing and release schedules.


Just saw that pop on bandcamp…what a bummer for those with a vinyl system.

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Hey, at least it’s only a few weeks, Kev.
Anticipation sweetens with time.
Thanks for letting us know.

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Kaleo - Surface Sounds – no release date yet but I’m confused as some 'sites suggest August 2020. The follow-on to A/B, an album which has been sampled across various TV programmes and adverts.

[Liquid Tension Experiment

Hi all,just wondering if anyone has found out anything about the next Bowie Brilliant Live Adventures release(no4) ,should have thought there would be some news by now ?

News on Friday (29th) I believe @Lorro1

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Release of lockdown

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Well, Ese’s Mercury on vinyl, natch!

But next up after Ese:

Neil Young Way Down In The Rust Bucket


Never mind, it’ll arrive when it does, there’s a lot more to worry about in this day and age.
I’m sure nobody minds too much.
Hell, people have, and are, losing loved ones with this situation (and also their jobs and livelihoods).

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