What’s the longest burn-in period you’ve personally encountered?



I’m not a strong believer in “burn-in” in that if something does not sound good from the first time it’s connected, I never expect it to “transform” and turn into an all different component. But if I like how something new sounds from the start, I would allow for the possibility that it might improve/change slightly further with some use. Also more often than not, other changes are usually introduced even over short periods (even if “just” a cable) so this makes judgements on run in less certain.

With all that being said my 222/250 have been stable as a setup for an unusually long period of 4-5 months without really anything else changing, and I can say that recently I often feel I hear a very nicely improved sound quality with an even more natural and colourful presentation.

So I suppose this qualifies for the longest run in I think I have experienced and which feels real - but again, improvement of a very good thing, not a transformation of something I ever had any doubts about.

So I guess you could expect the best still to come over some time with your NC250.


Actually I sort of did. Don’t ask me what as it’s 12 years ago but the first thing I played was not great. Godawful in fact. Played about ten different things until I picked up what was concerning me. Listened to the first track again to be sure. Left it with something on repeat. Came back the next night and played two or three of the ten in that order and so on. Repeated with other tracks afterwards until one day a mid range appeared.


Sounds good :+1: But would you say that the sound has changed or is Naim’s DNA still there?

Memory is a funny old thing, so I will talk about my recent system change from 500 to Nova to NC 222/300/250. However, I find it difficult to distinguish between run in on the NC200 system (which only had a few hours on it when bought) and comparison between my previous OC and current NC systems.

And here I think lies a problem when trying to identify run in effects, because, by definition, one will inevitably compare the new component (or new system in my case) with its predecessor.

Here is an example of what I mean.

After over 2 months of use, I (believe) I am still hearing improvements in the NC system. But the NC and OC systems sound rather different to each other, as has been discussed on here. Simplistically the NC gear sounds a bit more detailed with a darker background. This makes me want to explore my collection/old favourites anew. I am listening to Antonio Forcione’s Touchwood album, which I haven’t listened to in ages. It sounds wonderful, possibly the best I have heard it. So is this burn in or my brain making a mental comparison to the last time I listened to it on OC gear.

Having said all of that, I think I am still hearing some improvement from the NC system, but it is getting marginal now.


The DNA is still there, with the 250. With a complete 200 or 300 series, it’s a bit different, leaner for sure.

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Me either. And, I’ve owned Naim kit. Old and new. I’ve never really experienced “burn-in” on any equipment except tubes.

The one I can’t figure out is the description of network switch burning in and sounding different with time. That’s just not how TCP/IP works.


Yes, my impression too when I heard the new series, not entirely sure if I like it or not. But really good that you were satisfied with your new 250 :+1:

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TC/IP maybe not, but the ps instead need burn in , as the OCXO clocks.

Strangely I prefer the all system based on old classics. I prefer for instance 252/300 dr with Nds vs full 300 series. But the NC 250 alone, with my Ear 912, is a match in heaven.


I’m sure it was probably my current speakers but at the time I just so delighted to have them that I didn’t really keep track. My Beyerdynamic T1 headphones on the other hand were initially unbearably muffled & bassy but after some 100+ hours they now sound so clear & natural - glad I stuck with them

I’ve noticed the same thing with the NC250 and my serviced/recapped 250DR and 252. Good at the start then gets better for 4 weeks or so then good and stable. Then at 5 months or so there is another uptick with ease, depth and naturalness.

Is that burn in or just de-stressing of the components?

My SCDR and NDX2 were great out of the box then didn’t change very much at

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I am a big fan of the late Bob Crump’s TG Audio products. I still have a couple of power cords and one 8 outlet TGAudio Bybeesucker power strip with two Bybee modules. These all required a 30 day high draw break in. I would plug them together and run the brightest incandescent lights I could find for a month. It was worth the effort and I am still using them today. Bob said he had more than one visit from the police who suspected him of growing pot at his place in Houston.


But, TCP is the only thing going over the switch. There’s no such phenomenon as jitter on Ethernet. The “clock” is of zero consequence. The packet starts at one end and it does a CRC/checksum at the other end, if anything is different about the packet at the end it asks for a replacement from the source. The data in is the data out. There is zero nuance on this medium. So I’m not remotely sure what you mean the addition of a fancy clock does in this application?

Same for the PS, it cannot possibly impact the protocol.

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My bass traps are still burning in!


I find components like capacitors can be 100+ hours of music signal or voltage support. It also seems that some of the higher voltage pieces used in lower voltage places can take longer. Hence why phon stages can take a much longer time.

Cables can take longer annoyingly in my experience both mains and signal. Mains is quicker though. I don’t really judge until its had 100 hours of signal. Or when say you have had 50 hours and after 70 not noticing any improvement. I do a lot of A-B by the way or other fluctuations can confuse.

Yes but when you do stream on the first stage any noise in that location can impact the signal.

It’s about electromagnetic noise in the system, Not the signal.

33 years on Thursday, and still I enjoy listening to her!



See the PhoenixNet thread….i won’t go here again.

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