What’s the longest burn-in period you’ve personally encountered?

Oh dear … I am really not looking forward to burning in the innous zenith.
With same psu as PN it will be a journey. But with PN I did not feel is so bad. But it is different than months before.

I honestly don’t recall any burn in time on my zenith, or on my pheonix USB for that matter

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You may be making an assumption.

Analogue things like cartridges bedding in, or a new drive belt, then to be honest I’m not sure I’ve ever really noticed any, only the likely waning of over-analytical listening with a new box, and subsequently relaxing and just enjoying things. If there is a genuine physical thing (which I have no reason to doubt*) then I think the psychoacoustic effects masked it for me once they wear off.

  • I had a break from Naim purchases for ages after being comfortable with my active 72/NAP 250s/SBL system and don’t recall burn-in being a thing back in the late 80s/early 90s but that was from magazine reviews. Maybe things did sound different after warming up. Cable dressing was another things I don’t recall being desperately important back then either. I love non-sensical tweaks though, Mr Belt had me fiddling with screws and plugs for ages, and I was convinced many had an effect.

With my Phoenix net I liked it from the beginning but there was a change.
The zenith has the same psu … we will see :laughing:

I bought a new integrated amp some months ago, a wonderful Gryphon Diablo 300. After setting it up in my system I let it „burn in“ for one week day and night, although the Gryphon delivered a gorgeous performance from the first minute. Any changes? Yes, the electricity bill was higher the following month. But the Gryphon to my ears sounds as on day one. Probably it couldn’t get better.

Yikes. Is this solid silver or copper with silver plating? I thought my 1 month old Wireworld Silver Eclipse 8 XLR has completed the burn-in already, after a month. Perhaps it’s not over yet?

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Occ solid silver 5n purity. Silver plated never takes as long. Chord cables use silver plated wire and I’ve always found their cables to burn in relatively quickly. Although I think the dielectric of chord cables is the magic dust.

I’ve only used wireworld silver plated or pure copper wires so I cannot comment on a pure silver cable from wireworld.


That’s a silver clad design which I think means a heavier plating of silver. Either that or a complete mix of silver and copper but I doubt that.

Anyway from my experience I think this should burn in a lot quicker than my 21awg solid silver cables.

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Already posted (1200 hours some Ultrasone headphones) (Close second were the AK Zero1 IEMs)

Nait: 600hours
Sure likely to continue to ‘alter’/‘adjust’; but it is so weird the difference between 500 hours and 600hours.
At 600 hours it feels like perfect amp (wire with gain),… and if anything a touch bass light (although ‘feelable’ not just hearable); but with all the high end charm that I have learned to love from this box (cymbals/hihats etc FEEL real).
The sideways extension (beyond the speakers) is well placed and appropriate songs/tracks place their instruments anywhere in the room (if engineered to do so).

Just odd at the six hundred hour mark how ‘normal’ this amp sounds.
Sure it isn’t some class A behemoth, and arguably, some voicing might miss ‘a little’ that four-five times the price would bring to the table (/valves); but the ability to pull apart a track and replay the individual ‘voices’ (/instruments) is all very ‘high end product’; “nice amp”.

On the road to 600; at 480 hours the basslines had ‘come back’, imaging was strong, but edges of notes were ‘not equal’ (as they should have been)… at 300 hours bass was missing,… imaging was starting to come in (could now position, well, behind the speakers),… in fact beyond the first 80 hours it was a hodgepodge of musicality,… all over the place.
less than 80 hours everything was thrown forward of the speakers and was a completely different beast to what the Nait can do today.
I’d recommend 600 hours as the breakin time for the Naits.
Now everything is together and nothing seems to be missed.
Out of box I wouldn’t have thought it capable to land in this state and deliver an ‘uncoloured’ excellent amplification stage. (which renders beyond the speakers and is capable of nuance etc…)

It’s ‘The Simpsons’ and the Springfield tire fire…
Apparently it’s been burning for 50 years!


“Anyone who claims burn in is a myth is either deaf or dead”
James Lansing

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I may be both then! My new 300 series system sounded fantastic brand new and fresh out of the box. While I did notice ‘improvements’ over the first few weeks and still do occasionally now, I am not convinced that it is burn-in. I am not claiming that burn in is a myth but when I try to analyse my own experience, I suspect that the improvements are just me getting used to the sound.

Accepting that other people’s abilities and information processing may be very different to my own, I do still think that it is just me getting used to the sound.

I have revisited my CD rips and Roon streaming library to a far greater extent than ever over the past few months. Discovering sounds and aspects of the performances that I hadn’t noticed before has been really eye (ear?) opening.

I do not possess the skills to be able to take in all possible information and nuance on a few hearings, rather I can still be surprised after Maybe hundreds of listens!

Each time I listen to a particular track there will be many variables - volume listened at, mood, energy level, heat of room, alcohol or not, etc.

My 300 series is so much better than my NDX2/SN3 that I am not surprised that I am able to continue to hear improvements. Is this burn in though? No, I doubt it.

A couple of further points, I am not sure how good my listening memory is (how on earth could this be measured?) and my ability to subdue expectation bias is virtually nil.

Perhaps the conclusion is that my own ‘burn in’ is still underway so the longest burn in is me at 62 years!!

I don’t claim it’s a myth I just for whatever reason haven’t experienced it. Even with my new speakers the only time I noticed a change was between it having just got off a cold van and it warming to room temperature (if this counts then I apologise for my misunderstanding). But honestly I’m not sure I’d trust my memory for sound changes for long anyway. I can certainly remember long enough for demo change over differences to be apparent. But I’m not sure how accurate and exacting my long term memory is.

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