What things do you like best about your system!?

The sound quality. Obvs.

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I have a lot of gear in many systems. My Naim Classic system is seen as a whole so I don’t pick anything out.

Gear that I’m sort of emotionally attached to just because they look so damn good and are so nice to use would be:

  • Luxman SQ-N150 integrated amplifier
  • TEAC TN-4D turntable

Sure my Technics deck is leagues ahead performance wise. But the design of the TEAC just pushes all the right buttons and the SAEC tonearm is so elegant. It’s the turntable equivalent of pancakes and coffee late on a Saturday morning in 1982. It’s not classy. It’s comforting.

Sometimes it’s the low cost bits of gear that form attachments.


I think for me there is definitely the ceremony of using CD’s on my CD555, over engineered probably, impressive, absolutely! This Naim player as source, alongside the power of my Parasound JC5 and the speed of my PMC Fact 12’s just blows me away when in full flow, literally feels like you are on a fast ride when listening :slightly_smiling_face:

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Amazing sound from a DAC/Streamer and amp weighing less than 5Kg total.

The bonus being the very low power requirements.


Mine keeps going up in value,


Maybe have a look at this recent thread…

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My speakers :slightly_smiling_face:

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(Aye, I was sure it had been done before. I thought things were getting fractious on a few threads, so wanted to give folks a reason to say nice things! Then Naim posted teasers on social media, so the forum flew into speculation mode, myself included, and mostly forgot to argue :smiley: )

I can quite understand that Mark63!

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I am somewhat biased :slightly_smiling_face:

But … what’s becoming more and more clear as I put different/better gear in front of them is how transparent and uncoloured they are, the Illuminator drivers are quite special … imho

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My system communicates the essence and structure of the music in a very natural way. I am still getting adjusted to its different presentation compared to my former Rega system. Not as forward as was my Rega system.

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My system makes me want to turn it on as soon as I return from a hard days work.
But could I like the looks best?

Nah…. It’s the music😉


I wonder if yours is the most venerable system on the Forum - there can’t be many that are older!

Have you owned it all from scratch?

Thanks it’s new to me, Took a couple of months to find to all the pieces,
(Boxed and serviced)
used to have an olive set up, but i like the look of CB more and the prices where just going up, so I thought it was good investment that I can use,

And the great thing is that Naim can still service just about anything that they have made.

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It’s always there ready and waiting to sound amazing, any time of day or night. And if I have to neglect it for a few days it just sounds all the better on my return. The most faithful of all companions!

And as someone who grew up with vinyl, tapes and CD, it still amazes me that I have a world of music at my fingertips with my NDS.

I love how it looks, and the pedigree, quality and service that comes with Naim ownership. A real rarity in an age of disposability and ‘designed to fail’.

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Oh this is a difficult question. Everything in my kit is carefully evaluated and chosen in the context of the system. It does feel, however as if it’s been built around the speakers since they are fantastic and among the best I’ve heard, period. So perhaps speakers but if I hadn’t fronted them with what I have I would have never known. And then we have the NDS. What a streamer! It’s absolutely amazing sounding and one has to live with the outdated streaming board even though it hurts. I brought it to my dealer and played it as a source in his shop. Suffice to say, I think he didn’t want me to take it home. On top of all this we have the 82, a pre that grows with its tasks (and power supply😅). Another amazing product still playing music on the same level as preamplifiers in the pricebracket of 332. Then we have the fantastic Goldnote Mediterraneo with its partnering power supply and RIAA. As stable as a rock and so sweet just pulling you in to the music. Finally the thing making all of these things get some volume up, the NAP 250. Oh my, is it good, powerful and insightful as few. Damn I can’t choose and I haven’t even talked cables yet😅


This is slightly difficult to …
I like most when I am relaxing on the sofa reading on the iPad (like now) and could not go on with it as I am sucked in the music.
And that it is keeping me busy all the time and getting me near a nervous breakdown :rofl:

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From the first date we had +15 years ago till today. Having looked at it almost every day. I never get tired of my system humbly glowing green in the dark waiting for me to press play and get the boogie started. It will be green till the very end for me. It’s a classic.



Same here … but I was 35 years ago :rofl:

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