What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Damn, there go all my excuses for saying I’ll do those jobs when I get around to it….the wife has bought me a round tuit…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not really hifi gear- but just purchased some Naim cups, ball bearings, and piece of glass for my Naim fraim lite.
In all honesty not sure if it has made any difference to the sound- well that I can detect anyway.
However it looks better imho.


Is that an original from the persona non grata Radio 1 DJ, Dave Lee Travis?

25 grand for a high spec Windows box? Jeepers, if people can spare that amount of cash for eye candy no wonder the ‘audiophile’ industry exists. I need to establish a hifi company, and maybe then I will be able to afford this stuff. That said, enjoy your new purchase.

A tad more than that in fact :wink:

I have worked in the software industry for many years. I know exactly what’s inside that nice, and awfully heavy, extruded aluminium box.

Or, I should say, there are things in that box that make a difference and remain a mystery to me.

Apart from the box, the power supply and the RAM everything can be bought online. Yet I don’t see any Taiko Extreme clones for sale…

You haven’t published your system. I’m going to assume you have a NAP500DR.

Apart from the very nice box, the NAP500DR components don’t cost much, especially when you buy them in large quantities. And from a technological complexity point of view, a Xeon processor is light years ahead of what’s in a NAP500DR. And yet… you agreed to pay 30K for the NAP500DR.

In the case of the NAP500DR this is acceptable but not in the case of a computer (and an obsolete one at that!).

Do you see where I’m going with this?

It’s all about perspective :nerd_face:

I will, thanks :smiley:

But for now I’m waiting for a Taiko member to remotely set it up for me. It’s not advertised, but it comes with a real first class service.


Still not had chance to sit and listen, hopefully soon. Nice to hear your (and others) positive thoughts, thanks.

I can’t wait to see this whole system and the room put together.

AS with one of the other replies, I have a small Synology NAS running on my network. I had a ND5 XS2 until about a year ago. The two worked well together.

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Preloved Naim Mu-So 2.
Solid construction, good audio quality.


Love the prints, could you tell me please where you got them?

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Yes, so am I.

This is starting to take much longer than expected.

Now that I’ve decided to add four AVAAs C20, I’ll have to remove some of the absorber I had placed to create slots for the AVAAs C20 and bring in the power.

It’s getting complicated.

Especially since I’m overloaded with work at the moment, and on top of that I’m giving lessons at the Swiss Alpine Club during the weekend.

Anyway… I’m eager to finish this room! :sweat_smile:

I’ll post some pictures :smiley:

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Sdv artworks dot com

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Which one, may I ask?

These arrived today.

Atom HE and IFi Power Cable.


DS218+ with 2 x 3TB hard drives. Running it via a Mac mini and an Apple cd drive. Connected into my home network on a network switch pretty much dedicated to music.

iPhone to headphones

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Interested to hear how the bass traps perform. 25 times their relative size is impressive.

@Stilts nice purchase! You will love it I am sure! I use a Melco server and have a Synology NAS Drive as well. The Melco is better as you would expect as its got a direct connection into the streamer. I really like the Melco sound and the ease of use. Both run Minim server now and perform the same via the Naim App. A Synology with good HDD’s in it will be a good cost effective solution. I use the 718+ (I think) with upgraded RAM and SSD Cache Drives with 2x 8GB Iron Wolf drives set up for data protection. Its a multipurpose solution but when I do stream from it its very good. If money is no issue then Melco would be my first choice. Innuos also have great solutions but I went down the Melco route.

A well considered response. My rig actually cost about £4.5k so well out of your league. However, just like you, I enjoy it, which is the whole point of course. What I struggle with is the price vs performance trade off and as an engineer I always find the intangible factors you allude to difficult to fathom. Thanks for replying.

Which Melco do you use? Definitely leaning that way but probably second hand…