What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Neil, This is the same NAS set up that I have. Perhaps you could kindly help a bit of a computer numpty with my problem, which is that I can only get my Windows PC system and my HDX player to see one of the 3TB drives so I am not able to us the full capacity that I thought I was buying. Many thanks for any help you can give.

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I have the N10/2 SSD version now but had the original N10 also. Both excellent. Which one are you looking at? The N100 is meant to be excellent for the money.

Probably a N100; the N10 is out of my price range. The new N50 looks attractive but, again, is probably going to be too expensive.

I have the N1zh2, very pleased with it. Had the N1h2, just the model after the N100. It was on the Uniticore sound level.
I would not recommend the N100. A Nas will sound the same for less more money. And don’t forget that you need additional box with Melco for ripping.
I would go for the N1z second hand or Innuos Zenith second hand.


You can always put a psu on the N100 at a later date for a nice uplift?

Given your requirements and budget, you should also check out the Zen Mini. Fantastic bit of kit and an absolute breeze to use.



of stuff…

at last…


I’ll second the Zen Mini 3. It is completely integrated with the CD drive and HDD storage. You can output via analogue RCA using the onboard DAC or digitally via Ethernet, Coax or USB.
The real benefit is the player software that is inbuilt with integration of your stored library and Qobuz / Tidal.
It’s easy to upgrade if you want to, but it’s a great solution that doesn’t require a separate streamer but also acts as a great and easy to use rip/ store device for you Naim ND.


Gorgeous! :star_struck:

You’ll love it! :smiley:

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A fun weekend ahead. Congratulations.

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@Gazza you meant the N100 right? I have not seen people changing the N10 power supplies yet.

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Sorry yes the N100, good spot

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Took delivery of the Audiolab today. Sensational value.
Added benefit that I rearranged my boxes moving the XpsDr away from the 250 which has removed a hum and improved overall sound.

Downside was when collecting a couple of extra shelves I accidentally ordered a 300DR.


I get what you’re saying, but not really focussed on the Mini - I don’t need to pay for yet another redundant DAC and feel that, if I choose Innuos over Melco, the Zen Mk3 would be a better choice…

Nice one! :+1:

Right, finally got all the right cables to give the HIp dac an initial listen. First impressions are very positive if not revelatory. Spent the last hour or so listening to a few of my favourite test tracks (Vazio by Jim Brock, Langlais Te Deum, Barbara Bonney singing Strauss’s Morgen to name but a few). The biggest difference is the sense of space that is created, the best way I can describe it is it feels like my head is empty and the sound is echoing around inside (in a good way!) Detail is much improved as well…all in all it’s £180 very well spent!

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The 300/DR is a great slip to make :ok_hand:

I’m still quite in awe of mine.


I am sure you will be happy , first thing - and this was within 20 seconds of listening they sounded more natural than their Chord predecessors

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It is incredible value (The Audiolab 6000 CDT)