What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Bo Hansson also did a TT, not in concrete though. And the record company Opus3.

Not to be confused with the Bo Hansson who jammed with Jimi Hendrix in Stockholm and later made an album of music inspired by The Lord of the Rings.


Reminds me of a guitar effect pedal!


Indeed, Wah-Wah

Interesting. I read ā€œNykroppa Snickeriā€ on the back which is just 40km from me :slight_smile:

Not exactly new but it was re-discovered and put to use today after a lot of years (cleaning out the attic, moving).

Remedy Reclocker. Inserted it between the optical out from the TV and the SPDIF-in on the old KDSM preamp. Surprising improvement of the TV-sound.


Itā€™s feels good quality and very well made. Everything seems to have improved, not just what itā€™s plugged into but even other kit plugged into the same mains block it shares.

Is it going back? No.


Looking nice, congratulations! Also curious to hear about the soundā€¦ in terms of ā‚¬/kg that must be amongst the cheapest you can get :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hi Stephen For which device is the IFI silent power used? What are the experiences, does it bring a sound improvement? I already thought about ordering it as a replacement for the cheap plug-in power supply for the internet routerā€¦

Hi Wilfried,

I have already changed the stock supply for my router to a iFi iPower 2 and noticed a clearing in overall sound quality when streaming from Tidal HiFi.

My latest supply (iFi Elite) is for my QNAP NAS device. So far so good, but Iā€™ve had to use an adapter that came with the previous iPower 2 to make it work, otherwise it wouldā€™ve been a dead duck. Not ideal but it works. I may have to make up a more robust DIY connector for ā€˜fullā€™ satisfaction. Even as is though, things are looking very promising indeed.

May I ask what the little stumpy bits of wire sticking out of the speaker plugs are doing? They are nice looking speakers and the cones look good against the grey. The Naim Tin Edition came with Focal Sopras in a ā€˜concreteā€™ finish. It wasnā€™t real concrete, unlike yours, which are the real deal.

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Iā€™m intrigued how a power supply for a nas could possibly improve other items connected to the same mains block. How could that be possible?

You would, Iā€™d suggest, do well to use it for a week and then take it out and see if you notice any difference. Expectation bias can be very powerful and a lot of these things that you initially think make an improvement actually make no difference, other than to your bank account and the profits of the seller of unnecessary gadgets.


Maybe putting less noise back into the block? Not really sure. It just all sounds cleaner and more immediate. More punchy?

That was exactly my thought. Now you need to try some Chord GroundAray.


Well, some folks have said the same with the Vodka cables and that is not the case in my system. I donā€™t regret them for one minute.

P.S I remember a time when you dismissed the EE 8Switch as nonsense until you tried one, and it stayed?

Interesting. I wonder what else is connected to the block? Iā€™m my system the Naim is on dedicated mains. The router, switch and NAS are connected to a UPS that is powered from the ring main, and all in a different room. This means that the Naim and the digital stuff are completely separate and any noise from the power supplies for the digital canā€™t affect the Naim. If you have your NAS connected to the same block as the Naim, Iā€™d think about changing it. Do you have dedicated mains for the Naim? If not, thatā€™s where Iā€™d be spending the money.

No my HiFi has its own dedicated radial feed. My NAS, router and switch all share a 3-way block that comes off the ring main.

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Great. You could still try swapping back to the Qnap PS after a week to see if you notice any difference. Thatā€™s what Iā€™d do anyway. Ā£299 is a lot of money.

Yes it is a lot of money, i agree. Then again what isnā€™t in this hobby of ours?

I will swap it back over after a few weeks, itā€™s what i did with the iPower 2 on the routerā€¦


A rather lovely pre-loved Headline 2, late serial number, togther with a NAPSC. Came with my preferred DIN connection and a fair price.

I am a reluctant headphone user and in the Spring bought a pair of Meze Classic 99 cans to maintain domestic harmony. They sounded closed in and a bit muddled through a spare Audiolab Q Dac I had but sound much better now. Bass is well defined, instead of being muddy, and higher frequencies now exist! Glad I waited for a good headphone amp to come up.


Hi Stephan
Thanks very much for your response. Interesting. I have an IFI Power X at home. But I havenā€™t tried it for the router yet. The original switching power supply for the router has 12V/3.2A. The Power X only 12V/2 A. I thought an after market power supply should have at least the same performance as the original power supply; so I guess the IFI IPower Elite would be the right oneā€¦
And yes: the Power X came with adapters for connection on the device side. Apparently, the plugs are not sufficiently standardizedā€¦

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