What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Just needed powering down and re-booting. Nothing to do with adding the Vodka cables. See above ^^

A Pro-Ject VC-E Compact record cleaning machine, Inakustik anti-static inner sleeves and a Glorious Record Box (up to 110 albums).



Nice, BTN
Ndx2 and supernait?
Oh, and if my 552 volume was as u have it, my house would explode
Seriously, enjoy your system


I’m afraid the naim has gone and been replaced by quad
Must admit I do like the sound very much more laid back and very valve like
The naim has gone upstairs to the wife’s office she’s a happy bunny now


Hey David, I was checking for the noise as before connecting the naim NDX2 there was a earthing noise when connected to the RME ADI 2 Dac, please ignore the volume dial as even my house would explode :blush:.

That looks nice, what quad set up is it?

Oephi are in for evaluation. First out is their speaker cable Transcendence (2300EUR 2x3m). Huge difference compared to Phantom. Huge. More depth, width, bigger soundstage. More details/clarity, better timing. More mids. I start by saying different to not get caught in the wind with that different always is better in the long run :slight_smile:


Hi yes it’s a quad artery play + pre amp with artery power amp
Very nicely made very solid and powerful sounding with nice warmth. I can listen to music for hours now and really enjoying it


These don’t look cheap. Looks like you pay a lot of attention to cables like me.

Cables are extremely important in tuning the system. Never experienced such a difference in sound performance as with these cables. Serious stuff here. Level as in adding 555PSDR to my 272… If it’s better in the longer run we will see but for now I can only say I’m shocked that a speaker cable so dramatically can change the sound quality. Is it better in the long run? We will see. I also have their Ascendance series to evaluate coming days. And after this their power cords. Fun times :slight_smile:

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I really liked the speaker cables when I tried them - I just couldn’t get past the sheer size of them (plus I found the banana z-plugs were very weak, perhaps they’ve improved them). A bit too obvious/intrusive for my room. The RCA-DIN they made for me is fabulous, though.

My demo sample also have rather week banana connectors so I had to expand them a bit. The founder says:

“We use the best sounding bananas and that entails soft copper. The only issue is when they are used across a lot of different equipment sockets”

Did you have new cables or used demo cables when you evaluated them?

They were new. I’m not convinced by his argument (no other manufacturer seems to have an issue) and I had one literally fall out mid-session. It really surprised me that such a good/premium cable was - in my view - let down by such a small detail - especially as the cables are quite heavy and thus the connectors are under some stress. Can’t argue with the sound though. By contrast, the connectors on their interconnects are top quality.

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New speakers. Rauna of Sweden top model Oden. (Odin) Concrete. 58 kg each. € 7000 :innocent:


Congrats. Many years ago they were quite popular here in the Netherlands but somehow they virtually disappeared from the market. Good to see Rauna is still alive & kicking. :slight_smile:

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Cool! How would you describe their sound? One of the founders (Bo Hansson) lived in a town close to me. Not sure if they had production there too. This was in the beginning of the 80´s though.

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Bjorn…from Sweden…likes music…

It couldn’t be, could it?


I Do I Do I Do I Do not think it’s him.

Bjorn in Sweden is the equivalent of John in the UK … but I like your optimism.