What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

No problem Wilfried. My original intention was to use the Elite on my NAS but it turns out that the plug & the adapters i have here do not quite fit snuggly enough, negating what i was trying to achieve in the first place. Rather than butcher the Elite’s cable and fitting my own plug and (or) sending it back, i thought i’d try it on my router first. That has been a delightful surprise. Streaming from Tidal or Paradise Radio has now shown my NAS a clean pair of heels.

Mmm…now what to do with my NAS device…so it can keep up. I’m thinking of ditching it and going Naim Core with a SDD and re-ripping to WAV and then with the added benefit of a PowerLine in with the rest of the system off the dedicated radial mains.

After a long period of consideration and ‘tossin’ and turning’ I decided to jump the upcoming price increase and just ordered a new 250DR.

With a little luck it could be here in two-ish weeks. :sunglasses:


Hi Stephen Wonderful that the iFi Power Elite on the router has brought an audible improvement. I ordered one on Friday and will also try it on the router.
Actually, a whole bunch of adapters were supposed to come with the Power Elite:
(3.5 x 1.35 mm; 4.0 x 1.7 mm; 4.8 x 1.7 mm; 5.5 x 2.1 mm) and a hollow plug adapter for polarity reversal (5.5 x 2.5 mm).
I hope one will fit on my router.

Did you not get any adapters or none fit on the NAS? Adapters should also be able to be reordered from the importer or be available in electronics stores if necessary.

No adapters came with my Elite, only with the iPower2 :thinking: none of them fitted my NAS ‘properly’. However, with my router no adapter was required, only direct straight in off the Elite supply itself (What a very strange, weird and inverted world we are ALL currently living in).

There are a number of standard sizes of plug and socket used for DC power leads, but some manufacturers intentionally use non-standard plugs to prevent users from selecting one which supplies an incorrect power output which could cause damage.


I just got one today- In addition to a new nap100 for my HE atom

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Not sure I understand what you’re saying here. If a device is underpowered by an incorrectly specified supply it can easily be damaged, and I would think that a NAS could easily be prone to this, especially if there wasn’t enough power to spin the drives properly.

Ah yes, i’m now currently using the supply that originally came with my NAS in it’s box. The problem with the iFi is the default connector is the wrong size. I can use an adapter that came with the iPower 2, but it’s still the wrong size, even though the NAS does work (just) by a connection, and not by it’s ample or not-so ample power to do so. However, the slightest movement of the Elite’s cable plugging into the NAS can disconnect it. With a perfect fitting adapter all would be fine with running it into the NAS. The way things are it’s not ideal.

My NAS has cut out loads of times and no harm has come to it thus far. It just re-boots upon power up, cLears it’s corrupted files and carries on, that’s why i don’t have a UPS, they are an unnecessary add-on from my experience. Even if it did clap out, i doubt i would be heart broken. All my my music is backed up onto a laptop. I will just purchase a Uniti Core instead.

While I was searching for ways to enhance the enjoyment of streaming I bought an Sbooster for the EE8. It came with almost a dozen adapters.

Definitely a nice uplift.

I chose to add an XPS DR to my NDX 2, not something that couldn’t even knock up a decent gauge in a brand new cement mixer.:thinking:

Oden has a mature and natural sound that doesn’t add or subtract anything, Its just to sit back and enjoy the music…:slightly_smiling_face:

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You never know…:sunglasses::wink:

The stubs that stick out have the same function as Chord ARAY technology, divert interference…

Just kidding HH :wink: The cable was previously 3-terminated so cut off pending re-termination.

Thank you. It’s quite obvious when you think about it. Which clearly I didn’t.

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What are you using it for?

I probably hadn’t thought of that either HH, it was nice of you to ask, not everyone notices such small details👍

Did the cement mixer have the standard power supply or an upgraded one? :grinning:


No it was wireless and so therefore didn’t require any Ethernet cables. :rofl::+1:


So did you drink the Vodka instead? :joy:

The imminent price rises and my local dealer having an ex-dem example mean I now have an NDX2.

Initial listens suggest a good improvement over the NDX