What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

The NDX2 is a great piece of kit. I bought mine with a used XPSDR. In hind sight I should have tried it by itself first as I have moved on from the XPSDR. It works better in my system without it.


Sorry I forgot but which speaker did you have prior to Rauna? Will have a listen to them when possible. I like coaxial dual concentric speakers :blush:

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Oh no! I’ve bought another turntable.

For my 2nd system. Little bit of a refurb “Project” (see what I did there?) but primarily bought for its looks. It’s a 2005 model so almost vintage. Looking forward to making it look mint and the fun of finding a cartridge and phono stage.


What’s up with it? Looks pretty clean to me :slight_smile:

The usual, lid (not in pic) needs a dose of Brasso. Hopefully the rest will not need much else.

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How are you getting on with your OePhi cables? I’m so impressed with my RCA-DIN that they’re pricing up the options for me to go full-loom - as a boutique manufacturer they’ll hand-make any cable you want, with any connector combination (plus the founder, Joakim, is very Naim-literate). I might even revisit their Transcendence speaker cables - apparently the current banana connectors are stiffer than those I previously tried.

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I’m just done with my evaluation and have placed an order on the Ascendance speaker cables. I will likely evaluate his ethernet and BNC later too. Wow what a cable! Totally understand the review “The Ear” made even though they evaluated their top of the line series. It easily wins over the Phantom mainly on speed, transparency and soundstage/depth. Of course a difference price point but still. And to add is I felt Phantom was an upgrade on my former Tellurium Q Black II. I’m planning to do a mini review once I get the order end of next week so more people get awareness of this start up and great cables. But in short my experience with Oephi cables and Joakim Juhl has been nothing but extraordinary. Indeed he knows extremely well about Naim (and other stuff!) and custom build Naim cables of any kind in any length since everything is built to order. His knowledge in this business is huge and I’ve had many back and forth emails which he replied to fast and in depth. He have built his own R2R ladder DAC, power supplies, speakers, you name it and has a unique process in manufacturing related to the geometry of the cables and the actual process producing the inner cable (which is his specialty and reason for his rapid success). It’s not classic extruded cables which 99.9% of the business use.

Yes the latest banana connectors is a bit more springy/stiff according to Joakim. You can also get them with ETI or any kind of connectors you prefer as I understand it even though the banana on the standard kit is his preferred choice based on sound quality. Oephi is more of a custom shop helping the customers out in getting where they want rather than “this is what I have and this is what you get”. At least as long as you use his cables but you don’t want anything else, promise :sunglasses:

You should evaluate the Ascendance too if you get Tr in again. In my system I felt more synergy between this cable and my other stuff. Of course with all respect to that all systems, ears, room and preferences differ so as always, try stuff out at home and don’t look too much at where on the ladder a product is.


A new to me Nac82. Had it serviced with the Pot8 upgrade. A big step up from the Nac72 I had.


Previously I had Audiovector Signature Si3. Nothing wrong with that speaker but Rauna Oden plays in a completely different league…

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Lovely. The Olive kit looks good. Your 606s will appreciate the 82 :sunglasses:

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Thanks James. The 606s definitely appreciate the new preamp :grinning:

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Now on my TP-Link AC2100 router - An absolute tank :relaxed:


Nice I just replaced my 202 with an 82 and berry pleased with the performance lift

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Thanks! This is a speaker that plays all music in a natural and mature way, where the instruments really come into their own, whether it’s feather-light strings or deepest bass. They are a bit hungry for power, but my 250DR has full control over the elements even when playing really, really loud.

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You could use the plug off the original PS and splice it onto the cable of the new PS.

I’ve done similar to this when I’ve had to extend the PS cable to a CCTV.

Thanks! Rauna is very much alive, although they may not be as well represented abroad as before. Their new top speaker Oden took over 5 years to develop and the result is undoubtedly one of the best speakers I’ve heard this side of € 10,000…

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I was very skeptical. But I think its a great upgrade. No doubts here anymore. I hope you enjoy it too.

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On balance it is an improvement, but very subtle for me. Further improved by moving the router away from it.

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Those are lovely turntables , I debated between the replacement for that and a ClearAudio Emotion, the ClearAudio won

My oft repeated view is that the turntable sits on the top of the audio system and it should look good and sound good [quote=“Paul52135, post:3085, topic:20941, full:true”]
Oh no! I’ve bought another turntable.

For my 2nd system. Little bit of a refurb “Project” (see what I did there?) but primarily bought for its looks. It’s a 2005 model so almost vintage. Looking forward to making it look mint and the fun of finding a cartridge and phono stage.


I looked at the clearaudio which is arguably a better turntable but the frosted acrylic doesn’t do it for me. This was purely a cosmetic choice for the living room not hifi. However, I don’t think it will disappoint with a new 2m red and phono box s2 into my Nait5si.

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