What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Mentioned earlier up this thread.
It’s on “Streaming”.

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Why not just get the real thing? It’s a perfect match.


It would be nice to try the options and arrive at a conclusion. (The dealer was a happy to help and I have the time. So it’s no problem)
If the outcome supports the Naim option, so much the better. Personally, I feel it’s nice to know and make a reasoned decision. You also learn something that can be carried forward (on your HiFi journey).

Just curious- Have you ever tried comparison, in this is way? Maybe you already know and have the experience to inform such choices.

Haven’t heard that one before… :wink:

Odd, isn’t it?
Compared to the UK (20%) it is a lot less.

The M2, with SPODs, are more expensive in the UK, £83’998 (The Audio Barn).

The price difference is probably not only due to the VAT.

Not sure if furniture is classed as ‘kit’ but took delivery of an xmas present to myself yesterday, a custom Kelston oak equipment / vinyl storage cabinet made by the urban editions.

It’s made from solid oak to my custom dimensions. I like the retro looks and think it complements my Neat Xplorers, I had first come across this furniture range in What HiFi a few years ago and when I decided to put a analogue system together it was only a matter of time. For me it strikes a balance between form and function.

Only Naim item in my main system is currently a Powerline Lite until I get a ND5XS2 for streaming duties.


That’s really nice. In fact, cool :sunglasses:

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Agree. Very nice and very cool. :+1:

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New ribbon tweeters and kevlar midrange/bass driver

plus these speaker connects from AudioQuest 100 series in gold.



Wow. Never yet seen anybody use the glass carafe as a headphones stand - nice!


That’s a nice finish , which one is it , please ?

Thanks Ian. To quote @anon4489532 it’s boring old oak. :grinning:

Whilst I’m on here, Nigel and @GraemeH this morning I decided after finding the Bluetack, to pop pea sized pieces between speaker and stand and I was shocked to find it sucked all the life out of them. It was quickly removed. I know that’s not the general consensus but in my room/stands etc it hindered performance. How did you find it?

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An Aethos, it’s rather good.

I sold mine , for non-audio reasons -it gave my Harbeths a lesson in who’s the boss.

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I’m not convinced that wooden stands with flat tops are ideal supports. Blutac will couple the speaker to the stand, but if you just place them on top they will never sit completely flat and there is a chance of them coming off.

My stands have four little carbon fibre cubes on the top. The cubes are glued to the stands. You then put four tiny bits on blutac on the top of pads - mine are about the size of a grain of rice - and then put the speakers on top. The blutac is supplied with the stands and they are designed to be used with blutac in place. Atacama make isolation pads that some have used successfully.

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I’m sure there are many different principles that affect the sound. I’m still looking for long tern stands, these I forgot I already had in the loft from some years ago and thought I’d give them a whirl. Sound wise I like what I hear (without blutac).

I’m not sure a black tower will ‘go’ with the room decor hence my dallying in the stand situation. :grinning:

The 104’s have four corner dense rubber pads - clear, so effectively invisible. I just sit the Proac directly on those and they sound perfect to my ears.


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Double sided sticky tape might be enough to stop them sliding off the flat top accidentally.

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So, just received a preloved NAC282 , What a cracker this is. Very transparent. For now connected to the SN3, but a 250DR is on order. So is a NDX2/XPSDR. The SN3/HCDR is a formidable device, but the 282 goes beyond. Very happy days!


Furutech NCF Clear Line.


The transition away from the 272 has started.

Lightly used Supercap DR arriving tomorrow. It will sit in the cupboard until I locate a suitable 252!