What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Good to hear. I found with mine that the Gaias were a good upgrade in my room and system for the cost. Tighter bass and better soundstaging, especially in terms of depth. Enjoy your system - hopefully those speakers are a bit safer closer to the wall!


I decided I wanted some valves in my system, probably nostalgia but it was a itch I had to scratch, does look and sound lovely.
An Icon Audio HP8 headphone amplifier.

Edit: Sad I know, listening in the dark, so I can see the glow of the valves. :slightly_smiling_face:


Nothing looks as good as valve gear… :heart_eyes:


Which is so interesting considering in the US the Aavik I-280 with Ansuz cables is less than the 282/HiCap DR/250DR combo.

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Just bought this little beauty for my klipsch heresy 3


The amazing Weiss DAC501 has found a home in my system
Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 8.52.30 AM


I’ve had my I280 for about 6 to 8 weeks … The run-in period is minimal …

Thanks John, good to know. May look at a streamer next.

My S280 is currently en route from Denmark …

Please let me know what you think. Thanks!

No nonsense, well engineered products. I had a DAC2 and then a 202 back in the day. Good old FireWire !

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Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. I bet it sounds marvellous?

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That looks lovely! And small form factor. Calling it a DAC is far from the truth. I would love one if it were not for the asking price……

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Very nice, i use to use a dac 202. Should have kept it!

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Yes it does. I only got it yesterday, so over the next few months it’s going to get better. It’s for late night listening when my other half asks me to turn it down.


Anyone considering this should see if you can borrow it for a week as ime it improves replay even further after it has stabilised.

Most surprising.



Thinking of being one myself. How does it “sound”? What to expect? or early days yet?

You won’t be disappointed. I’ve had one for 18 months and it is incredible. Even coming off a 282/SCdr/250dr, with the right speakers and cable that Luxman is magical. You’ll be hard pressed to find a better headphone amp too. The phono stage is very good too.

I think the SQ-N150 is my single most loved bit of hifi I’ve ever had.


I haven’t received it yet and I already love it

The latest item to improve my streaming

In the last few weeks I’ve

  • Moved by broadband master socket
  • Hard wired the NDX into the router

Now I picked up this at a reasonable discount from a well known auction site.

First impressions are it’s better but not massively different.

But compared to how it sounded before I started down this path it’s a lot better. Not massively different from the CD which is a good state to get to.