What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Thank you for that. I have a DIN to RCA cable on order also to feed a headphone amplifier from a SN3.
I’m going to try it on my Atom HE first of all but long term I would like a dedicated amp. I’ll look at those amps you mentioned.

I received 3 pairs of power connectors.

“Furutech’s Ultimate Power Connector Series”

They’ll be added, by Vovox, to their Textura Fortis power cables prototypes.

Due to regulation restrictions, the Vovox Textura Fortis power cables never reached the production stage.

I got them anyway through my dealer.

I sent them back to Vovox to shorten them a bit and add those nice power connectors.

I also bought 2 double Furutech power outlets to match the power connectors, the FT-SWS-D NCF(R)


Robbing the candy store empty… :slightly_smiling_face:

Will the NCF sockets connect to standard in-wall wiring or a dedicated mains?

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That’s exactly it! :joy:
And there is some more candy on its way to Switzerland! :sweat_smile:

Dedicated mains, with Neotech in-wall wiring.

I’ll probably add a second strand of power cables for the Taiko Extreme.

A double outlet for the Taiko only

A double outlet for the 760 + 711

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Atlas Eos 4dd to the power block


I bought this just before Christmas and collected it shortly afterwards. It has now been checked over and serviced ready to be gifted to the younger generation.

If my Nytech CA352 (see top of thread) sounds better than this then I’m in for a treat! (Nytech morphed into Ion in the 80s before becoming an offshoot Heed).


Cool! I always thought Heed was an Aussie brand. I stand corrected.

Lovely :sunglasses:

Very nice! Also, look forward to reading impressions of the 352 when it arrives (my first amp was a Nytech 202).

What a lovely coincidence.
Myself and other forum member @Mike_S were only chatting about Heed audio amplifiers, only last night…

Would be interested to hear back what it sound like?

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I’m a big fan of the little Ion amps. I’ve had them all and still have a 3x and X-Pak. Only the Obelisk 1 is less than stellar. Best value is probably the 2 or 3. The 3x is really good, but two boxes.

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Hungarian. Two Hungarian brothers sort of took over and rebranded.

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The 3 is rather good and gives the Nait2 a run for its money.

My daughter’s boyfriend should be rather happy - doesn’t know it’s coming.

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I thought they sounded quite different, but agree they were on a similar level. The 3x though is something else.

Yes, different sound but equally enjoyable.

really nice CDX2 added this week


This turned up this week and it occured to me after I’d stuck it on my rack, that’s it’s the only Naim box like this as all other similar boxes have a power switch on the front.

Sounds amazing btw (replaced 250)


Love a bit of mains porn!

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I’m rubbish at describing differences in sound and what I perceive/hear you may not. These can be picked up for a song (I paid £150). Take punt and have a listen.

@Richard.Dane might have a go at describing the sound for you.

I’m just as rubbish I’m afraid. I know what does it for me, and what doesn’t move me or leaves me cold.

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