What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

I just thought if the money could go to 552/500, then there are too many choices at this price range. For example, I could add £7000 more (Or even less, just the retail price) and try Boulder 1110/1160. According to a friend who sold his 552/500 and then went to Boulder 1160 and an Accustic Arts pre-amp (I do not remember the model), it is such a different world.

:flushed: :scream:


New (to me) NAPSC just arrived for my 202 (if memory’s right thanks to @anon4489532 for recommending that one) and hopefully later today there will be a HiCap delivered - thanks again to @anon4489532 and @Christopher_M! As the system stands the sensible thing would be to take out the FlatCap XS and replace with HiCap and NAPSC on the bottom shelf - but that would A: throw out the symmetry and B: someone else would notice! So my question is do I leave the FlatCap in and use it to power the StageLine (next to the Core) which along with the NAPSC could be put behind other items as the shelves are quite deep and put the HiCap next to the Core. I know the HiCap is somewhat bigger than NAPSC but it keeps the symmetry. And yes i realise there will be some trade-off in SQ but I’m hopeful it won’t be noticed too much and if it is I will say its just a replacement casing and once the equipment is in - then maybe move things around a little for the SQ?
Hope this all makes sense - thoughts please?


My advice would be to play around and see what sounds best. My other thought is that if that’s you and yours in your photo, you are far too old to be behaving like a devious child.

Now then that’s not nice - you don’t know my other half :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I like a quiet life

Purely on a SQ level then do you think there’s anything to gain by using the FlatCap on the StageLine and having the HiCap/NAPSC power the 202?

I’d be inclined to run the Stageline off the 202 once it’s powered by a Hicap.

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That was my original intention (my 122X and FlatCap were going to go upstairs) but then I had the thought of running StageLine from FlatCap - I think I’ll give both a try - my better half is away till Thur evening so I’ve got a bit of time to experiment - certainly liking NAPSC so thanks for that one

Stick the napsc behind the rack. It’s in an odd sized box that doesnt fit in with regular naim boxes. Struggled to find and then get to mine when i stuck a Grahams Hydra into it and its hicap and xps friends.
Good upgrade the Hydra too.

I got mine almost a year ago….I didn’t want to pay that kind of money for speaker cables but was just blown away also by the difference they made. I trialed 3 /4 other cables first which were all good but these were just wow…

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Bowers and Wilkins 803D3’s. A great improvement over the 805D3’s but only four days usage and already doing that infuriating break in thing.

Sadly, I could’ve detect any difference with mine. But then I didnt detect a difference with four £880 Stillpoints feet either, despite hearing a clear difference at a hifi show many moon back. Its all horses for courese though and at least Black Hole is take a punt money.

Same experience here. I went from Naca 5 to Apertura tiny that I enjoyed during 10 years.
Bought recently 2X 6 m of Audience AU 24x speakers cables. 6 k on speakers cables! I would never imagine spending that money for speakers cables. What a great and positive surprise I had then.

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You won’t regret it. I much prefer phantom over NACA 5 and it is so easy to work with.


I imagine it works best on mediocre or average CD players, which mine definitely fall in this area :joy:

It’s not a monumental difference. To me it opens up the soundstage and the music becomes more multi-dimensional.

Ive tried a Marigo mat which to my ears and system made no difference, but my preferred mat of choice is SID. Cheap and just seems to make a small improvement.

ND5 xs2 because I was tired with the cut off of Tidal with N272, plus the new platform capabilities. I’ve tried many suggestions founded on the forum and still had some issue.
Strait out of the box, the overall sound is better and music flows in a more natural way, very happy.
N272 is now used as a preamp with all entries except dig.1 (TV) disconnected. I don’t know if it’s ok to say that I’m still using a 3th party PSU with the N272.


Heed Obelisk Si (Mk2).

After purchasing the Ion Obelisk 3 which was passed on to my daughter’s boyfriend I then purchased a new Nytech CA352 (top of thread) for myself (fantastic). Saw this on the bay and thought I might. Rather good. Will pass on to my eldest daughter as it betters her Arcam Delta 60 (no slouch).

Just the Nytech and Nait2 for me then….


I’ve managed to find a really keen deal on both of these wires.


Wow, just wow! Entreq Olympus Ten Tungsten + Peak4 + Atlantis Infinity BNC-BNC between my Lumin U1 mini and 272. Highly recommended to borrow these things for home demo if you can and make your own conclusion. I couldn’t live without it.


Regardless how good there are, not interested…
I’m struggling with too many boxes and 100 miles of cable mess as it is! No thanks. :grimacing: :blush:
(joke of course)