What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

I got a Muso 2 a week or so ago. I needed something to plug it into. Bought one these.


How do you rate your U1 Mini? I’m looking for a streaming transport to go with my mScaler/Qutest and it’s on my shortlist (though I’m told there’s a U2/U2 Mini imminent)

It’s changed again……

In - HiCap and NAPSC
Out - nothing - there are a couple of bits hiding
It needs a re jig and dressing which can wait for now……
I wanted to make sure “new” bits were working!
And my back said - No! Sciatica still playing up!


Where’s the psu for the gyro se?

Hiding - it’s on the bottom shelf behind the FlatCap!

As I said at some stage I want to pull it all apart and try and get all the pieces fitting in the jigsaw a little better and get the cables dressed :sneezing_face::sneezing_face: properly - sorry could only find sneezing not coughing!

And I don’t mean that in a bad way - yes I agree it makes a difference - but with all my bits that’s going to be difficult!

I have a Auralic Aries G1 > Mscaler> TT2 . If I could run wired Ethernet I’d probably consider an Aurrender. I have extremely strong WiFi so no need to mess with Ethernet stuff

£ or €? Either way, that’s surely premium. I hit the ceiling with my £2,400 4m pair of Chord Signature XL.

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It’s awesome. And so do my friends say about it too. I added SBooster power supply to it. I have U2 Mini ordered for home trial which claimed to be released march but guess not.

Very useful, thank you - the G1 is another obvious contender as is Aurender. My WiFi can be erratic here so I have a 15m Ethernet extension from my router for all the heavy lifting. Why your preference for Aurender if you had Ethernet? I have retailers for both relatively close to me.

I like that Aurender can store a library internally on it’s built in hard drive and then plays files from it’s cache. It should In theory eliminate switch’s and routers and other stuff from affecting SQ

The Aries G1 can support an external hard drive, an ssd is ideal.

It’s the similar cost for 2X 6m Superlumina, in euros. I have not a single regret.

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Doepke residual current circuit-breaker DFS 2 Audio

This is the last element of the new electrical installation. An audiophile earth leakage circuit breaker. It is a German brand, Doepke.

It is the final piece of my brand new electrical installation.


55 m2 of Acoustic Fabric

This is the same fabric used by GIK Acoustics for the Bass Traps in the photo.

It’s not the basic fabric, it’s a bit more premium (Camira Lucida). It will cover the whole room, like a wall.

Work starts next week! :sweat_smile: :partying_face:


Hi Thomas, what will be the source for the 760? Sorry if I’ve missed this.

It’ll be a Taiko Extreme


Digital cable. Will sit in the box along with the nDAC until we sort a 252 :grinning:


Quite a bit of kit. Is that area that looks like layered wood a copper heat sink.

Many thanks, I’m hoping to trial a U2 mini once they’re released.

So, two weeks in and - this is the sneakiest upgrade you could imagine! You plug it in, turn everything on and - meh! - nothing special at all, total waste of £1000. Sounds no different to the cheap ethernet cable I’ve been using for years. Then, after a while, the magic happens and I suddenly realise that my system has been transformed; there’s just so much more ‘definition’ to everything - it’s simultaneously both tighter and more relaxed. A truly remarkable little box. Whether it’s worth the money is purely subjective, but mine’s staying here!