What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Audioquest Jitterbug FMJ. I’ve a few of the older version of these scattered about the systems and that I use twixt cans and the Macbook. Trying their latest Full Metal Jacket version that includes a rear closure. The original ones are fine, marginal gains more obvious when using headphones. I’m happy to have them plugged in and around and will try the FMJ in the Superuniti and stick another in the Innuos server.


That’s not a power strip. THIS is a power strip! :grin: Entreq Powerus grounded to Poseidon will be up against Chord Powerhaus S6 over easter holidays.

No, the boxes although beautiful will be hidden behind speaker and put into the rack. Easier to evaluate like this though.


Next step will be the Entreq Giant Supreme

But where hide it?


:rofl: The “Entreq Hero” is pretty neat but pretty pretty expensive too… I’m soon done. I hope. Where’s the 272 successor? Long way travelling for those components…

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As long as you don’t buy the Ansuz Mains8 DCT Supreme powerblock, 36 k, it will be reasonable.

555ps dr for 272 and very nice it is too.


NAC52 :slightly_smiling_face:

I need to sort the button labelling so that Input 1 is Phono. I’ve had a casual attempt but I’m concerned about damaging the button while getting the label off :thinking::scream:


I’ve recently bought one of them (with matching SuperCap). Mine doesn’t have the cable attachment thingy on the front though. What is that for?

Is there a consensus on which input is the best to use for an nDAC?

I’ve just noticed the order of the buttons on my 52 is different to yours.
On mine it’s (left to right); mono, mute, phono, cd, tuner, tape, vcr, aux.
Don’t know why this would be?

My new to me NAC282 has just arrived, in the brief listen that I have had, it’s opened the right music up, so much better than the 202 it replaced. Will get some serious listening in tomorrow.


Enjoy……you have a few bibs and bobs of music to try out on it😁

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That looks like an Infra-red to jack cable which then goes to your more modern streamer, so that you can control the volume of the NAC52 using the Naim App - works extremely well


This is for my remote extension. My rack is not in my listening room so I have an extender with the receiver in my listening room than transmits the signal into the IR receiver on the NAC. I use the normal Naim remotes, either a Narcom 3 or 5.


I’ve never found any difference with input 1 or 2 on the nDAC so I use input 1. I do have the lights (buttons) off but never noticed any difference but still leave the lighting off. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, the previous owner has swapped them around! They used a Prefix and sent the output to Input 2 and move the phono label to match. I want to put it back as it was, well swap Input 1 & 2 around :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s interesting, but I was wondering which input on a 52 people would normally feed an nDAC into?

Or doesn’t it make any difference?

Sorry thought you meant the digital input. You mean the nDAC “analogue out” to the 52? I’ve used Input 3 as per the labelling on the front, 2 is obviously available but it also has power on one of Input 2’s sockets - so I thought so I’ve stuck with socket 3. :slightly_smiling_face:

Worth a go I thought. MCRU.

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What are they?