What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Export model for Australasia perhaps? :0)

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The posh name is Bussman audio grade gold plated fuses.

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At least they are only £5 each, unlike some that sell for completely potty prices.

That was my thinking. And now I convince myself they’ve made a huge difference and I have saved a fortune.
The twisted logic of an obsessive tweaker.


Its been a busy 6 months here with the arrival of new speakers and stands, a streamer and a dac. However, the most recent purchase has been 4 second hand Naim Powerlines which have totally transformed my system for the better. Resting now…no more purchases this year.


Slightly surprisingly (or at least to my surprise) it was a Naim Powerline.

As far as I can remember, that is how the NAC52 was shipped. For @Guinnless, the sheet of labels should include a small tool to allow the user to lever off the labels. I must say that I left mine as they were and never even opened the pack the labels came in!

Sadly no tool but at least I have a sheet of new labels :+1:

Musicworks ReFlex lite mains block. On my TT playback I can hear a good uplift in performance over the std supermarket extension lead.


The new toy.

Quite useful for my project (some picture on the The Listening Room Reality thread).

Once the listening room is built, it will be used to place the speakers with millimetre accuracy :disguised_face: :sweat_smile:


I’d say you need a hobby - but I think you already have one :joy::joy::joy:


I have many, perhaps, too many!


He who dies with the most toys - wins!

(Grey/Lavender? I can never tell) Naim 4-5DIN IC on its way, for my SC2. Bought secondhand for its bit of extra length compared to my 1 metre Morgana.

Shootout! If I can’t hear a difference, the
Fate o’ Morgana is sealed ( :wink: )

I might win that one :sweat_smile:

That last one left me with unfinished business. Didn’t send it :pensive:


Tron 7 GT Phono Stage

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Looks good, though I think my profile picture - flying F/A-18s on exchange with the RAAF - might just beat it… After all, anyone can walk up a hill :wink:


:joy: :joy: :joy:
Isn’t the F/A 18 capable of flying by itself while the pilot is snoozing? :laughing:

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No, no - that’s my current job - flying Boeing 787s :joy:


Depending on the passengers, I’d probably say the 787 is a lot less safer than the FA-18 :sweat_smile:

By the way, my granddad was a colonel in the RAF, he was in the military all his life.