What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

NDX 2 for the 282/300 system.

ND5 XS 2 has moved to my wife’s system in the Media Room, along with her new Vintage LP12…:blush:

…& my new Lingo IV😁


Congratulations on the new kit, be interesting to hear your thoughts on the Ndx2 compared to your Nd5xs2.


No way!!! :wink:

I think so, but go figure what the future holds for us?..

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@QuickSticks Congratulations.
Time for a profile update :wink:

All in good time @ratrat, all in good time😉
I must say, I don’t know what to listen to first later. The newly ‘Lingo’d’ LP12 or the NDX2 or the new LP12 on my wife’s system.
Such a first world dilemma :man_shrugging:t2::joy:


Nice to have such great sources :+1:
Congrats again.

Remember chatting - some time ago - about LP12 upgrades.
Amongst other things explored two ideas : (1) improve motor and speed control, likely L4 ; (2) keep your Cyrus phono…

You might think to change the phono stage yet. FWIW, IMO, don’t think there is much out there can beat it… (without spending a very significant amount of money). In any case, the spec of that LP12 now, think the Cyrus is perfect and in a balanced set up.

I would be curious to hear how you feel the L4 has changed things.

Good luck
Happy Sunday listening…

I have never seen an LP12 with a circular logo on the perspex lid. (Although I can’t imagine that it affects the sound!!)

Thank you for those very nice words. :blush:
Those are sometimes hard to come by on here. :wink:
I think we’ll be spending the day in the house, so my wife’s LP12 will be doing all the lifting today. There may be a hint of ND5 later though.
As for the Lingo/Cyrus combo, this is definitely end game.
The only other LP12 upgrade in consideration for the future now is a possible Sub-Chassis/Arm upgrade when the Cart gets reviewed next year.
I’ll be honest, I am definitely considering an all Linn Arm/Cart solution mounted on a Kore, but we shall see…:face_with_peeking_eye:

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2021 build @anon70766008 :man_shrugging:t2:

For a company as conservative as Linn, this is all very radical stuff - look at the recent flirtation with Sir Jonny Ive! (But I wonder what led them to change the badge. I can’t imagine that there’s any obscure patents legislation protection behind it.)

I won’t be rushing to change my own lid, unless someone tells me that the circular logo radically improves the sound!!

The round lid logo gathers those flabby 27k vibrations that occur when playing Dire Straits, spiralling them upward away from the delicate stylus/vinyl interface…result: a cleaner sound, if still deadly dull…

Linn know what they’re doing.


Very significant improvement IMO - even though I don’t play with the lid on.

That all sounds very plausible indeed!

You may need to go to Ekos SE level to get a discernible upgrade over your RB880, otherwise the change may end up being too horizontal.

May I ask if there’s any difference with this LAN cable. I can’t imagine this type of cable to bring any difference to the sound although I might be wrong. I’m still using the standard freebie cable that came along with my wifi router.

FWIW I spend a lot on cables. It’s only this type of cable I"m not willing to experiment on (yet) since I don’t think it will make any difference. The cable is just to get the wifi router to pick up the signal so it can’t be affecting sound quality I suppose? Nevertheless, I may change my mind if your experience tells me otherwise. :grin:

Congratulations on reaching the final step - before adding an ND555 and Statement pre!

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I had the Cyrus Phono Signature + PSXR2 power supply for a few years and loved it with my DV XX2 cart. I also thought it was my end game. Then I made the mistake of auditioning the Rega Aura which I now use with my Ekstatik cart. I now think that is my end game🤷‍♂️


Ah, right, that makes sense.

As to Linn tonearms, also mentioned here, they are beautifully made. I saw a TV documentary (‘How It’s Made’), which showed the manufacture of an all-Linn turntable package. The ‘swing test’ - where the arm was suspended vertically to check how many times the arm would swing to check the bearings - was particularly fascinating.

These programmes are repeated quite often, so this is one to watch out for.

(But I won’t be changing the ARO on my LP12.)

That may be…
But yours was a very different TT (specification) when you did that.

(edit : just checked a Linn price list. Actually, looks like maybe £18-20k more, with current pricing. Which was my simple point, in that earlier post).

Great that you loved the Cyrus, while it was with you. It’s a super phono stage.

Happy listening to you.